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Published: 19 April 2023

Chief Constable’s Report - 23 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of the Chief Constable’s Report.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023

Date : 23 February 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

Fatal Fires

On 2 January, following the declaration of a major incident at the New County Hotel, County Place, Perth, an extensive multi agency response with SFRS and Scottish Ambulance Service was instigated.  The hotel and neighbouring properties were evacuated, but tragically, 3 residents died.

Significant enquiries continue as part of the ongoing investigation led by SFRS to determine the cause of fire, supported by Police Scotland and SPA Scene Examiners.

On 23 January, a further major incident was declared at the premises previously occupied by Jenners Department Store, Princes Street, Edinburgh, when SFRS confirmed a spreading building fire in the building which was undergoing renovation.  Police Scotland officers supported SFRS colleagues to evacuate nearby buildings and ensure the safety of members of the public.  5 firefighters and 1 police officer were treated for injuries. Tragically on 27 January, firefighter Barry Martin, aged 39, passed away.

On Friday 17 February I (Chief Constable) attended the funeral service, and on behalf of Police Scotland sent sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Barry, who died protecting others.

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