Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 March 2024
Date : 21 March 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
I want to reaffirm policing’s apology to the family of Emma Caldwell following the conviction of Iain Packer at the end of February.
Emma Caldwell, her family, and many other victims, were let down by policing in 2005. I am sorry.
I am grateful that I was able to meet Emma's family and for the opportunity to offer that apology directly and to listen to their perspective and experience and I pay tribute to their dignity and strength in the years since her death.
It is important that Emma’s family and the public get answers to the many questions they have.
On Thursday, March 7, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs set out that there will be an independent judge-led statutory Public Inquiry to understand what went wrong, to ensure lessons are learned for the future and to provide answers to the victims and survivors involved.
The Lord Advocate has indicated she is taking advice on instructing a police service from outside Scotland to look further at allegations against officers.
Policing in Scotland has reflected and learned from the initial investigation and subsequent re-investigation.
Significant changes have been made in recent years to improve organisational culture and our response, particularly in respect of investigative structures, victim care and processes to these types of crimes.
Our Violence against Women and Girls Strategy outlines our absolute commitment to tackling the violence and abuse that disproportionately affects women and girls.
We now await confirmation of the details of the Public Inquiry. I reiterate my support for the Inquiry and undertake unconditionally that Police Scotland will engage fully with that process. We will fully assist any further steps instructed by the Lord Advocate.
Organisational learning never ends and I am utterly committed to relentlessly improving how Police Scotland respond to and serve the public, and to ensuring officers and staff uphold our values and help to deliver justice for victims.
We will enter the new financial and reporting year with a refreshed leadership team, having appointed new Deputies and with plans for recruitment for Assistant Chief Constables. I will ensure the Force Executive shares and delivers on a change agenda for policing that puts our communities at the heart of everything we do.
My first Annual Police Plan as Police Scotland's Chief Constable continues to place trust, confidence and performance at the top of our agenda and reflects the priorities and commitments I have directed for the service in the year ahead.
Since taking command, I've been clear my operational focus is in three areas - first, addressing threat, harm, and risk; second, prevention, problem solving and proactivity; and third, looking after the wellbeing of officers and staff so they can deliver for the public.
This report shines a light on some examples of how Police Scotland is delivering for the public across the first two areas - securing important court outcomes following our response to murders and attempted murders in the west of Scotland; the latest sentence as part of a major public protection investigation into the sexual abuse of young and vulnerable people in Edinburgh; an initiative to tackle housebreaking and motor theft in Forth Valley; and drug seizures, as well as the safeguarding of 22 vulnerable people and 16 arrests during a County Lines week of action.
I've also highlighted a preventative programme of equestrian training for young people in the east end of Glasgow which was designed and arranged by a Sergeant based in the city.
The best of Scottish policing, as well as heroic acts by members of the public, was also celebrated at our Bravery and Excellence Awards, held at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan, on Friday, 23 February.
It is inspiring to hear from officers who put themselves in harm's way to protect the public and, at the same time, energising to reflect on the support communities provide to policing.
The awards, and the daily police work I see and hear about, underlines that our officers and staff are our greatest asset.
My third area of focus is my duty to nurture and support officers and staff, provide clear leadership and give them the training, skills and best modern technology to do their job.
I will continue to update the Authority on progress around Body Worn Video, which is an absolute priority for me, and which is outlined as a key milestone in my Annual Police Plan.
My report today also outlines significant progress on a programme to increase the number of Specially Trained Officers who are trained and equipped to carry Taser from 500 to 2,000, an important tactical option which can de-escalate situations and support public and officer safety.
Of course, to focus on these three areas we need a sustainable, fit for purpose service and the ability to better understand and explain how we can deliver for the public. This month we present two plans – my Annual Police Plan and the budget for policing – which will be important to ensure we progress a necessary second phase of police reform in 2024-25.
I share the Authority's commitment to producing and delivering balanced budgets for policing. There are positive indications that the 2023-24 budget will be delivered without the requirement of further contingency funding from the Scottish Government which policing had previously requested.
This has been achieved by significant focus right across the Service and driven by the Force Executive. It has been extremely challenging and has had operational implications.
We propose a balanced budget for policing for 2024-25 and progress on a second phase of police reform is crucial to live within funding while maintaining service and tackling threat, harm and risk.
Our funding allocation for 2024-25 allows us to restart police officer recruitment and next week I will welcome around 200 new recruits into Police Scotland.
The second phase of police reform will inform how we shape, train, enable, equip and deploy our greatest asset – our officers and staff – to best meet the evolving needs and complexities of our diverse communities at best value.
My Annual Police Plan outlines a new approach to performance reporting which will help us to better understand and explain our level of service, using hard data across key measures to also inform how we deploy resources and enable effective scrutiny and benchmarking to drive a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.
Our aim is to bring the frontline of Scottish policing to the strongest position possible within the resources available and that we tackle threat, harm and risk and move from being reactive to high volume but lower risk incidents towards greater prevention and problem solving.
In addition to the planning for a new operating model over next few years, we are beginning to consider longer term plans in terms of where policing will be by, for example, the end of this decade. This work is at a very early stage.
As I’ve been clear, ensuring Scotland continues to be a safe place to live and work is my commitment and priority as Chief Constable.