Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with he Chief Constable's Report.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 June 2023
Date : 21 June 2023
Location : Apex Grassmarket, Edinburgh
Our People
On 5 June I was privileged to present a posthumous bravery award to the family of Detective Sergeant William Ross Hunt, known as Ross, who died protecting his colleagues on 4 June 1983.
On that date, nearly 40 years previously, Ross led his colleagues in arresting an individual responsible for a serious assault at a premises in Larkhall. On attending at the suspects address, family members armed themselves with weapons and attacked the officers. Ross encouraged the other officers to return to their vehicles, shielding them from the attack, and he sustained serious injuries and tragically died as a result.
He saved the lives of his fellow officers and ensured those responsible were brought to justice and convicted of his murder. His selfless courage and public service reflect all that is good in Scottish policing. It was a privilege to meet Ross's family, and together, recognise his outstanding bravery.
Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams has been successful in his application for appointment to the National Police Coordination Centre (NPOCC) which he will undertake on secondment from Police Scotland. I congratulate Mark on this appointment, which contributes to Police Scotland’s important relationship and joint working with policing right across the United Kingdom and internationally.
On Wednesday, 14 June, the Scottish Police Authority announced that Jo Farrell will be Police Scotland’s next Chief Constable following my retirement.
I congratulate Jo Farrell and look forward to working with her to ensure an effective handover that will maintain stability in Police Scotland ahead of my last working day on Thursday, 10 August, and as a date is identified for Jo taking up the Office of Chief Constable with Police Scotland.
Leading our outstanding officers and staff as Scotland’s Chief Constable is an enormous privilege. I have great confidence Jo will continue to develop our service to protect and serve our fellow citizens.
PSYV aims to deepen police engagement with young people, break down barriers with traditionally difficult to engage communities, promote positive role models and create safer communities to reduce violence.
The programme provides young people aged 13 – 18, of all backgrounds a positive means of engagement with the police through regular training, participation in community safety initiatives and through volunteering in their communities.
On Saturday 10 June, I addressed attendees at the PSYV Braveheart Challenge at the Scottish Police College where ten teams of 12 young people participated in discussions around issues that affect their local communities and worked as a team to develop a community project to counter the issues identified.
It was a great privilege and pleasure to attend the event and I was able to personally thank each volunteer for the valuable role they play in communities across Scotland.
Three Police Scotland officers, one current and two retired, have been recognised for their commitment to public service in the King’s Birthday Honours 2023.
Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham and recently retired Assistant Chief Constable Kenny MacDonald both receive their King’s Police Medal (KPM), while Detective Inspector (retired) Simon Broadhurst is being honoured with an MBE for services to policing.
These awards are tribute to their dedication to public service and the communities of Scotland. I congratulate all three officers and thank them for their service.
In late May, I promoted 229 police officers and 41 members of police staff, during ceremonies held at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan. I thanked and congratulated my colleagues and it is a pleasure to recognise and celebrate their significant personal achievements.
On 1 June 2023, I welcomed 195 new recruits at the Oath of Office ceremony at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan. I thanked each officer for their commitment to public service and for choosing to step forward into the demanding but hugely rewarding vocation of policing.