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Published: 18 February 2025

Chief Constable's Report - 20 February 2025

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 20 February 2025

Date : 20 February 2025

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA - Anyone requiring lift access should enter via the George Square entrance.

Supporting officers and staff


On Monday, 13 January, we welcomed our latest intake of 124 probationers to the Service during oath of offices ceremonies hosted by members of the Force Executive across the country. The intake brought our officer establishment to 16,614 and a further 200 candidates are scheduled for our next cohort on 10 March.

Our officer recruitment campaign continues with advertising on video on demand services and radio adverts, ensuring a strong pipeline of applicants. This month, we have expanded our campaign to include a drive on recruitment into our Contact, Command and Control (C3) Division.

Pay awards 2024-25

On Friday, 14 February, a 4.75 per cent uplift to pay and relevant allowances for police officers was confirmed for 2024-25. Backdated pay will be paid in March's salary run following the decision, which was made by independent arbitration.

An independent arbitrator was appointed by the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) after an agreement was not reached.

Following a ballot, on Monday, 6 January, staff unions agreed a headline 4.75 per cent pay award for police staff for 2024-25. I am hugely grateful for the work and constructive discussions which resulted in this agreement.

New Year Honours

I want to thank and congratulate three serving and former Police Scotland officers who were recognised in His Majesty The King's New Year Honours.

Deputy Chief Constable Alan Speirs and recently retired Superintendent Shaheen Baber both received the King's Police Medal in recognition of their service to policing.

Constable Kirstin Grant, from Highland and Islands division, was awarded an MBE for services to young people with additional needs in recognition of her work volunteering in Nairn Academy to make the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme accessible to youngsters who may otherwise not have felt themselves able to participate.

The awards are testament to their dedication to public service, their commitment to improving the safety and wellbeing of our people, places and communities, across Scotland and beyond.


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