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Published: 18 February 2025

Chief Constable's Report - 20 February 2025

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 20 February 2025

Date : 20 February 2025

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA - Anyone requiring lift access should enter via the George Square entrance.

Prevention, problem solving and proactivity

County Lines intensification week

Between 25 November and 1 December 2024, officers safeguarded vulnerable people exploited by drug dealers during the latest national County Lines intensification week.

County Lines drug dealers from larger cities expand their criminal activity into smaller communities to exploit young and vulnerable people to sell drugs, carry cash and weapons – bringing violence, coercion and abuse. They can also take over someone's house, known as cuckooing.

During the intensification week, a total of 81 people, 60 men and 21 women, were arrested and 54 search warrants executed, with 66 vulnerable people safeguarded during visits to 79 addresses, including 25 believed to be used by drug dealers. Illegal drugs, including heroin and cocaine, £60,000 in cash, and offensive weapons were also recovered.

Festive drink and drug driving campaign

Our festive drink and drug driving campaign operated between 1 December, 2024, and 19 January, 2025, during which over 1,300 offences were detected.

Road Policing and Local Policing officers worked together to target and deter drink and drug drivers, carrying out 4,779 breath tests and 963 drug wipes. Over 25,000 drivers were spoken to as part of the campaign.

They did this by carrying out proactive patrols, speaking to drivers and raising awareness in communities, using data to target key areas, responding to information from members of the public and setting up roadside checks.

Operation Moonbeam - further arrests

Between 30 and 31 January, officers arrested five men aged between 16 and 25 for offences committed in the Calder Road and Captains Road areas of Edinburgh. A further four men aged between 17 and 29 were also reported to the Procurator Fiscal in connection with Bonfire Night disorder and criminality.

The arrests are the result of investigations following the unacceptable levels of violence and disorder experienced in parts of the country on Bonfire Night and bring the total number of people reported across Scotland to 61.

My thanks go to all of our officers who have been involved in these inquiries to date and, of course, the members of the public who have provided information that has helped us with our enforcement activity.

We will continue to investigate the offences that occurred on 5 November to bring all of those responsible to justice and will work alongside our communities and other key partners to secure positive criminal justice outcomes.

Domestic abuse prevention campaign

Domestic abuse remains a significant and continuing problem in our communities and officers attend an incident every eight minutes on average. Its harm to victims, children, families and communities is life long and devastating.

Most domestic abuse occurs in the home, behind closed doors. It takes time for victims to feel able to report. We are determined that from that first point of contact victims feel heard, believed and supported. We are committed to tackling domestic abuse and to working with our partners to give victims, from all communities, the support they need.

Our most recent domestic abuse prevention campaign, launched just before Christmas and runs throughout February. The campaign signposts young men to support to change their abusive behaviour before it escalates and before they end up before the court.

To date, the campaign video has been viewed nearly 118,000 times and appeared in the online feeds of the target audience on nearly 11 million occasions across platforms including Snapchat, X, and Facebook.

We direct our target audience to the Respect Phoneline, an organisation offering support to people across Scotland who are concerned about their harmful or abusive behaviour. Their expert Advisors will listen, talk through a person’s situation and help them develop strategies to change that can help them and their loved ones.

Respect has reported a 98% increase in visits to their website during the campaign period to just over 14,000.

Senior Investigating Officers Conference

Earlier this month, we brought together more than 200 senior detectives, analysts, forensic scientists and partners including from the Scottish Police Authority, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, National Crime Agency and other UK police services for our Senior Investigating Officers Conference for 2025.

Over the two-day conference, attendees explored best practice, learning and advances in technology which can enhance investigations now and in the future.

The event was a valuable opportunity for our investigators to share valuable knowledge and experience and strengthen the partnerships that enable us to deliver justice for victims and their families. I am grateful to the sponsors, partners and our officers and staff who contributed.

GPX Programme Board

Between Friday, 7 and Friday, 14 January, we hosted the Global Policing Exchange Leadership Programme at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan.

During the session, 21 delegates from law enforcement agencies from six countries undertook a one-week residence to complete their year-long programme.

I am grateful to all of those who participated in this programme, and those responsible for its delivery, which aims to ensure a collaborative, consistent and effective approach to policing across the world.

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