Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Chair since September's Authority meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 30 November 2023
Date : 30 November 2023
Location : COSLA, Edinburgh
Engagement with Staff and Diversity Associations
Since our last Board meeting in September, I have met with the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents, which was also attended by Katharina Kasper and our Chief Executive Lynn Brown. We had extensive and constructive discussions about the financial position and the work under the Policing Together programme to eradicate discrimination of any kind in policing.
I, along with Tom Halpin and our Chief Executive, met with the Scottish Police Federation. This was also an extensive and constructive discussion, which covered a range of issues important to the SPF and in particular the impact of mental health demand on policing. The Federation has agreed to come and speak to members at a future seminar about this in the New Year.
I also met with the Scottish LGBTI Association, which was attended by Fiona McQueen. We discussed Policing Together, and the support provided by the Association to Police Scotland officers and staff to build awareness and promote inclusion across the service. I am grateful to the staff and diversity associations for their continued and constructive dialogue.