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Published: 22 November 2022

SPA Chair's Report

Keywords : children custody public confidence local authority engagement mental health recruitment

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of the SPA Chair's Report in November 2022.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 November 2022

Date : 24 November 2022

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

APCC & APCC Partnership Summit

The Chief Executive, Tom Halpin and I attended the APCC and NPCC Partnership Summit in London at the beginning of November. This is the first the Authority has attended since becoming associate members of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners this year (APCC). The summit presented a good opportunity to learn more about practice in other jurisdictions and identify areas of learning for oversight of policing in Scotland; allowing connections to be made with commissioners in key comparator areas.

The summit theme of ‘cutting crime, building confidence’ aligns with the public interest focus on the Authority. Over the two day event we heard presentations on data and evidence in relation to crime levels, demand, satisfaction and confidence from a range of Commissioners and Police officers on culture, public confidence, fraud and outcomes. Conference delegates also had the opportunity to participate in a range of breakout sessions covering leadership, people trafficking, race, violence against women, anti-social behaviour and policing of protests.

Tom attended the summit in his development role focused on cross-jurisdictional engagement within the UK and learning across policing and oversight. This allowed key contacts to be made with commissioners, and facilitated time with British Transport Police to learn more about their stakeholder engagement pilot work.

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