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Published: 20 February 2024

Chair's Report - 22 February 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Chair since the November 2023 Authority meeting and to seek approval for changes to the membership of committees/groups and the role of Vice Chair and the terms of reference and membership of the Revised Model of Policing of Scotland Oversight Group.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 22 February 2024

Date : 22 February 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA


Engagement with the Cabinet Secretary for Justice

I have met with the Cabinet Secretary for Justice on two occasions recently, including with the Chief Constable as part of our tri-lateral arrangements. The main items for discussion were senior appointments, the policing budget, the need for a revised model of policing and the policing of mental health. Going forward there is an agreement that the agenda and a summary note of the meetings will be published.

COSLA President Engagement

At the beginning of this month I, along with the Chief Constable, met with the COSLA Presidential Team to provide an update on policing priorities and discuss opportunities for collaboration. This discussion built on our ongoing engagement through the COSLA Police Scrutiny Convenors Forum, which I attended with DCC Graham in November 2023 and the COSLA Leaders Forum which the Chief Constable and I will attend in April 2024.

Biometrics Commissioner

I met with The Biometrics Commissioner, Brian Plastow in December to discuss how he can advise the Authority, specifically on the use of new and emerging technology and the proportionate adoption of it. The Commissioner has been assertive in calling for an expanded role to oversee CCTV/surveillance of which I am supportive. We also discussed the need for an updated CCTV strategy for Scotland which is now 11-years old.

The Commissioner also published in January 2024 an Executive Summary confirming the Scottish Police Authority’s compliance with the Scottish Code of Practice. This validated that Authority’s Forensic Services is using biometric data and technologies in a lawful, effective, and ethical manner and are currently compliant with the Scottish Biometric Commissioner’s Code of Practice. In the year since the Code of Practice was approved by the Scottish Parliament, no complaints have been received about the inappropriate use of biometrics from data subjects. I want to congratulate staff in Forensic Services and Police Scotland on their continued commitment to the highest of standards.

Trade Union / Staff Association Engagement

I have continued to meet with the statutory Trade Unions and Staff Associations supported by Fiona McQueen and Tom Halpin. The policing budget, estates and policing of mental health have been key themes of our recent discussions. As a follow up, the Scottish Police Federation spoke to all members earlier this month about their key issues. We expect the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents to do the same with all members in April 2024. We are grateful to the staff associations for their continued constructive dialogue.

Scottish Women’s Development Forum

I met with Clare Hussain, former Chair of the Scottish Women’s Development Forum in early December. Clare was Chair of the Scottish Women’s Development Forum before she departed policing for a new role in the public sector at the end of the 2023. I want to publicly pay tribute to Clare. Claire was an outstanding Chair of the Forum and played an integral part improving the retention, progression and experiences of women working in policing. I thanked her for her contribution on behalf of the Authority and all members. Jenny Stuart joined us for this meeting. Jenny takes over as Chair of the forum temporarily. We look forward to continuing our positive and constructive engagement with Jenny.

Scottish International Policing Conference

On 29 November 2023 I attended, along with board members Tom Halpin and Catriona Stewart, the Scottish International Policing Conference in Edinburgh, which focused on community wellbeing and safety; building partnerships in policing. As well as chairing a breakout session, Catriona Stewart also attended the postgraduate symposium on 28 November 2023, hearing about the diverse and innovative range of policing research underway across the postgraduate community of SPIR. The Chief Constable and I also participated in a panel discussion to end the conference, alongside the Cabinet Secretary Angela Constance, HMI Craig Naylor, and Progressor Lesley McMillan of Glasgow Caledonian University.

Disability History Month

UK Disability History Month ran from 16 November to 16 December 2023. The month marks the continuing struggle for equality and human rights faced by those living with both visible and non-visible disabilities.

Police Scotland and The Scottish Police Disability and Carers Association (DACA) hosted a range online events for those with visible and non-visible disabilities, people with caring responsibilities and all other colleagues and allies. The events aimed to promote a more inclusive workplace and covered topics from physical disabilities and mental health to dementia and guardianship and power of attorney.

Fellow Board member, Dr Catriona Stewart also supported the month by attending a number of sessions and sharing her knowledge and experience to help improve understanding of autism and hidden disabilities.

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