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Published: 20 February 2024

Chair's Report - 22 February 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Chair since the November 2023 Authority meeting and to seek approval for changes to the membership of committees/groups and the role of Vice Chair and the terms of reference and membership of the Revised Model of Policing of Scotland Oversight Group.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 22 February 2024

Date : 22 February 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA

Board Member Recruitment and Resignations

Board Member Recruitment

Public Appointments Scotland has launched a recruitment campaign for new Board members. Four new members are being sought to diversify the Board specifically with:
• Experience and expertise in advocating for and influencing policy or practice for minoritised ethnic communities
• Experience in the promotion and implementation of equality, diversity, and inclusion practices in organisations
• Experience of governance in a large, complex organisation
• Financial experience

The recruitment panel will be Chaired by Don McGillivary, Director for Safer Communities, Scottish Government. I will sit on the panel as Chair of the Authority alongside Annie Gunner Logan, former Chief Executive of the Coalition of Care and Support Providers Scotland (CCPS), Neena Mahal, former Board Chair of NHS Lanarkshire and Kay Hampton of the Ethical Standards Commission.

I was delighted to host an online information session earlier this month. This session provided interested candidates with an opportunity to find out more about the Authority, the Board, and our priorities and to ask any questions of the Authority or the Public Appointments Team who supported the session. This was well attended with a high level of engagement from potential candidates.

Member Resignations

Jane Ryder and Michelle Miller joined the Scottish Police Authority as Board members in 2018. After almost 6-years, both have now tendered their resignation to the Cabinet Secretary for Justice. Jane will retire at the end of March 2024 and Michelle at the end of April 2024.

It is impossible to overstate the impact and influence Jane and Michelle have had supporting and steering policing over these last 6-years. Both have played a key role driving improvement within the Authority and policing and I am immensely grateful for their commitment. They both indicated to me last year that they would be stepping down which has allowed Scottish Government to factor in these vacancies to the current recruitment round.

Jane has also been a diligent Vice Chair of the Authority since May 2021. She has been a great source of support to the Chief Executive and I over this period and we will greatly miss her wise counsel.

Vice Chair of the Authority is an important supporting role. Following discussion with members, I would like to nominate Fiona McQueen to take up this role from 1 April 2024.


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