Report Summary
A Public Briefing explaining the use of body worn video (BWV) for armed officers in Police Scotland and the assurances for the public. Published in October 2021.
Looking Forward
In the longer term and subject to finance being made available, Police Scotland intend to roll out BWV to all frontline police officers and staff as quickly as funding will allow. With over 17,000 officers, this will be a major undertaking and will require significant planning and investment. Wide public engagement and communication will be carried out as part of this roll out ensuring that as many people as possible provide their views and to ensure that people are aware of how BWV will be used within their local policing.
Although the addition of BWV in policing brings numerous benefits it is recognised that some individuals may have concerns about the use of such technology. The roll out of BWV across Police Scotland will be carefully considered by the SPA and the views of the public and key experts sought.