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Published: 11 August 2023

Bi-Annual Your Voice Matters Update - 31 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with a Bi-Annual Your Voice Matters Update.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 31 May 2023

Date : 31 May 2023

Location : online

Further Detail

To date, 6 ambitions have been complete with the remaining 12 on track for completion.

Ambitions completed since last update

The following ambitions have been closed since the last bi-annual update presented to the SPA People Committee on 30 Nov 2022:

Leadership – Review rank ratios to ensure we have the right number of people leaders
A short life working group, led by ACC LP East, made 7 recommendations around rank ratios which have been allocated to specific business areas to implement. This was approved at last month’s SLB in April.

Wellbeing - Ensuring the right levels of ‘recovery’ time are achieved, improving proactive planning to reduce rest day disruption.
This activity is now considered to be BAU for Resource Deployment Unit and other associated planning functions within the organisation.

Behaviour - Campaign to relaunch our values with zero tolerance to incivility, misogyny, sexism and discrimination of any kind. Enable and enforce positive behaviours which challenge any discriminatory or misogynistic mind-sets.
PSD Preventions Programme was launched at SLB in Nov 22 with the ambition of influencing culture and positive behaviours across the organisation. This will be measured through feedback from across the organisation, ‘hits’ on relevant intranet pages and increase/changes to reported behaviours

Enablers – Improve perceptions of fairness in relation to people processes such as promotion and opportunities.
Promotions page is regularly updated and association policy and EQHRIA are now published.

The rationale for completing these ambitions are detailed in Appendix A

Ambitions which are ongoing

The following ambitions, which include a summary of progress, are not complete but are on track:

Leadership - Investment in first and second line managers, encouraging empowerment, improvement and reducing ‘fear of making mistakes’
Your Leadership Matters launched in April and will continue until Oct 24 which three distinct cohorts participating in the programme. A separate, and more detailed, paper on Your Leadership Matters is being presented to SLB before progressing to SPA People Committee on 31 May.

Wellbeing – Develop a proactive wellbeing approach that further enhances support re psychological resilience, self-care and how to reduce fatigue and burnout.
Following the conclusion of the review, work to increase the number of TRiM Assessors has been undertaken alongside investment through the Lifelines Scotland training, including a train the trainer. A separate, and more detailed, paper on Health & Wellbeing is being presented to SLB before progressing to SPA People Committee on 31 May.

Hindrance Stressors - A programme of activity that communicates the expectations of managers/leaders to be proactive in promoting CI opportunities
The Continuous Improvement Board has and is chaired by the CI Lead, reporting into the Head of Portfolio Management and the Chief Digital Information Officer. A full TOR has been approved which articulates the purpose of the group in relation to CI pipeline activities, sharing best practice and reporting on benefits and outcomes of CI activity.

Behaviour – Invest in the role of Tutor Constables, Change the lived experience of those who raise or are impacted by grievances
Tutor Constables training has been revised to include a range of content in relation to the impact of behaviours. This will be launched later in the year.
Creating a Positive Environment delivered a survey to elicit officer and staff experiences, identifying 5 key areas of focus. To date, we have launched relevant guidance documents. This will be supported by the development of a SOP and line manager toolkit. The use of an external ‘report and support’ platform is being explored which will provide better mechanisms and safe spaces for reporting, without fear of detriment or victimisation. This will respond directly to the recommendation within the Dame Elish Report.

Enablers – Recognise contribution through real-time recognition, Articulate how the Target Operating Model connects and aligns to the broader picture, Reduce the amount of time our people spend in court.
Real time recognition through ‘reflection logs’ is part of the MyCareer process with >13,000 ‘logs’ submitted to date. Service Delivery have defined the process and principles of the TOM and have worked with Local Policing, Modernised Contact and Engagement and Public Protection over the next 12 months. All of the service design work contributes to the progress against the target operating model. Much of the output from the work will also contribute to the content and the ongoing work to achieve the target state. Criminal Justice Reform continues to work closely with partners to reduce the time people spend in court. There has been positive work across the Case Management Pilot, Remote Provision Witness Evidence and Demand work streams which has resulted in significant savings and improved officer/staff wellbeing.

A more detailed breakdown of each open ambition is captured in Appendix A

YVM Steering Group

The YVM Steering Group, chaired by ACC Emma Bond, are hearing directly from, and in person, Executive ambition owners on progress. ACC Bond has clearly communicated her expectations around updates and sustaining progress, with delivering tangible benefits.

Each Executive member, and relevant individuals within their portfolios, have been directly engaged with to ensure that updates, timescales and outcomes of ambitions are clearly defined in future updates.

HMICS Cultural Inspection

YVM results and the organisational response was provided to the recent organisational HMICS Cultural Inspection. Within the recommendations for future activity it was noted that there needs to be a greater organisational focus on responding to surveys, to ensure momentum is not lost and our people’s lived experience is positively and tangibly impacted by this.

Next steps

YVM Steering Group continues to meet bi-monthly for the remainder of the calendar year with the next meeting taking place on 4 May.

Work with Corporate Comms is ongoing to ensure regular messaging on the progress of the Implementation Plan is provided through a variety of channels so we can demonstrate improvements that have been made and that we listen to our people. This is an agenda item at the next YVM Steering Group on 4 May.

Greater focus is required to ensure that the remaining open ambitions within the Implementation Plan are prioritised. Responding to the survey was one of the Chief Constable’s Commitments for 2022/23.

4Action remains the preferred platform to host regular updates on the ambitions which have not been completed. There is recognition that this has not been the case to date and work with the Audit team has taken place to identify good practice currently in use with 4Action to improve this. ‘Clinics’ are being proposed so that updates can be provided in real-time, enabling quality discussion around the narrative with updates being provided on-time.

The timing for the next iteration of the YVM survey is being considered, taking into account both our own operational capacity and that of Durham University Business School.

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