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Published: 15 March 2023

Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Superintendents/Chief Superintendents Programmes

Following a detailed Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) delivered by the Leadership and Talent Team, a leadership development programme has been devised to help recently promoted Chief Superintendents continue to strengthen their individual leadership journey.

Core items identified via the LNA are woven through the 12-month programme, both collective events and individual learning – including:

Collaboration and Partnership Working

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion



Complex HR issues

Strategy and Governance

Change Management

Informal engagement with senior leaders (existing CSUP’s plus Force Executive)

Peer networking/collective learning

Self-awareness – 360, Clarity 4D, Mentoring, Coaching

Input was sought from the individual delegates as to further content throughout the Induction Event in order to tailor the content as required.  Evaluation on all aspects of the programme will be sought from delegates throughout, with the expectation being that a similar approach will be extended to newly promoted Superintendents, and further intakes of Chief Superintendents. 

As a result of the programme, the participants will have greater self-awareness as leaders along with a more structured way to address some of the perceived gaps that newly appointed Chief Superintendents may face (as identified via the LNA).  Participants will benefit from a tailored programme of activity, greater opportunity to work with their peers (internally and externally), as well as increased informal engagement with the Force Executive.  By the end of the 12-month programme, delegates will have a clearer understanding of their leadership style; the areas they still require to develop; and their ability to self-assess in terms of their next career move, be that refining their skills in post, looking for a sideways move and/or applying for PLPS5EL. 

The 12-month programme assumes a level of commitment by the individual and their Line Manager, balanced with other deliverables e.g. other training, high-profile work/projects, etc.  As such, a cumulative learning approach has been taken, with formal input being relatively light-touch each month.

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