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Published: 15 March 2023

Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

MyCareer - Leadership and Development Interventions

Following the launch of MyCareer, the new appraisal system, on 1 April 2022 the focus between July and December was:

To hold monthly meetings with the 56 Single Points of Contact (SPOCs) across the organisation who act as ambassadors for MyCareer and support the local messaging and support within their business areas. Monthly meetings were held and these will continue on an ongoing basis. SPOCs were upskilled to deliver MyCareer inputs within their own business areas and were provided with the training materials to support this. The SPOCs received monthly completion data for the areas regarding MyCareer training and MyCareer discussion activity.

MyCareer related training and support including a CVF awareness module; MyCareer training for all; Empower Hours for people managers and MyCareer Surgeries continued to be delivered. Appendix A details completion statistics as of 14 December 2022.

Tracking the completion of MyCareer activities continued including the volume of reflection logs being submitted; volume of MyCareer discussions underway and completed. Appendix A details activity levels.

Delivery of an ongoing communications plan to ensure that MyCareer continues to have a high profile across the organisation. Appendix A details activity.

In July a new Probationary Sergeants Process was launched to include the use of reflection logs and MyCareer discussions to monitor progress throughout the Probation period.

From April 2023 Officers will use Reflection Logs and MyCareer records as the gateway to their promotion processes – as such, activity took place between July and December to ensure that templates and guidance are ready for the launch.

Staff Associations have created champions in collaboration with the MyCareer Team. A Staff Association MyCareer input was delivered 13, September 2022.

Ongoing evaluation of MyCareer is being supported by the Quality Assurance Team.

Interim evaluation (6 months) has been carried out for the Empower Hours and has evaluated well. A final evaluation will be carried out April 2023 before the Empower hours will continue as part of the ongoing CPD programme.

Evaluation of the Competency and Values Framework (CVF) Moodle training will take place late January 2023.

Evaluation of the MyCareer Moodle training will take place March 2023.

At April 2023, MyCareer will have been live for a full annual cycle and a full evaluation will be carried out.

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