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Published: 15 March 2023

Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online


At present there are a total there are 254 Mentors and 270 Mentee’s in the organisation.

Opportunities are being explored at present on how Leadership and Talent can grow and develop this offering.

Mentoring activities that have taken place since the July report include;

Evaluation of the Mentoring element of SPNAC, particularly the new reverse mentoring that took place are included in the SPNAC Development Programme Evaluation Report.

Progressed external mentoring pilot through discussions between Police Scotland and Met Police, and Police Scotland and British Transport Police. Police Scotland & Metropolitan Police Mentoring pilot – framework and scope of pilot agreed to commence August 2022. The pilot was advertised to the members of the SWDF and the Mets NOW (Network of Women). Pilot is on hold due to competing demands in MPS and BTP. British Transport Police & Police Scotland/SWDF Collaboration – advert issued on 9 Sept by SWDF seeking mentoring interest (PS will provide 10 mentors and 10 Mentees). Matching of pairs with BTP took place 4th October.

Progressed mentoring discussion with SEMPER to agree role of mentoring and how to promote it.

Black Professional Scotland – meeting held with Black Professional Scotland to increase understanding of their mentoring needs. As a result we will seek support from senior officers and staff equivalent to support the members of this organisation.

Working with SEMPER, DACA and LGBTI staff associations to create mentoring relationships for their members.

Reverse Mentoring – Invites for mentees to be mentored by an officer/staff member with protected characteristics, was issued, followed by a meeting with SEMPER and DACA on 7 September 2022 to plan matching of pairs. Closing date for applications was 14 October 2022 and matching took place on the 27 October 2022. The closing dates were extended due to Op Unicorn and there was a good response from senior officers and staff equivalent on being mentored.

Continuing to source mentors for the protected characteristic on Race.  Engagement with the chair of the Police Muslim Association to promote the reverse mentoring and increase the applications for mentors.

Reciprocal mentoring – Meeting held with the PSYV.  They will be sending out notes of interest to youths shortly, Once interest has been established, we will source senior officers in the organisation to join the pilot to increase knowledge of lived experiences from a youths perspective.

Self Service Matching – exploring concept of an internal self-service platform for mentors and mentees. Have reviewed a platform that is currently used by College of Policing, Humberside Police and NHS Wales.


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