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Published: 15 March 2023

Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Bi Annual Leadership & Talent Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Equalities Implications

If Police Scotland fails to modernise its officer/staff development infrastructure, not only will there be a disproportionate impact on our workforce, it may also present higher exposure to potential employee relations issues/claims. Through the development and implementation of an effective appraisal system; a modern promotion process; a more flexible and relevant Sergeants qualification and other modern leadership and talent products equality remains at the very heart of all Leadership and Talent learning interventions developed.

Police Scotland recognises the importance Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessments (EqHRIAs) and, in fact, their Product Design Framework stipulates that EqHRIAs will form the first stage of any new product design, ensuring that fair and equitable practices, and the development of an inclusive workforce, are key considerations.

As such, EQHRIAs have been developed for each individual element of Leadership and Talent work. Formal consultation has been conducted and feedback incorporated into each of the EQHRIAs. This formal consultation has included staff associations and trade unions. As ever, EQHRIAs are iterative by nature and will continue to be updated and refreshed as L&T work progresses.

Leadership & Talent Team work closely with both internal and external stakeholders. The Positive Action Team continue to attract Black Minority Ethnicity/White Minority Ethnicity (BME/WME) applications by using online events and meetings. In the main, the new online sessions are proving to be a good alternative to encouraging applications for the probationer intakes from BME and WME applicants. There is an absolute drive to represent and reflect the communities we are here to serve.

The retention and development of BME/WME officers currently sits with line management, however P&D senior management accept that we need to do more to support this. This work will form a deliverable over the next 12 months and will be a key consideration for MyCareer, Leadership Pathways, PLDP, ALP and the embedding of CVF.

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