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Published: 09 October 2023

Bi-annual Leadership & Talent Report - 29 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Bi-annual Leadership & Talent Report. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online

Further Detail



MyCareer has celebrated its first annual cycle running from 1 April 2022–31 March 2023 with an extension given to the 31 May, for the first year only, recognising that this is a new approach. MyCareer is mandatory for all and colleagues must have a minimum of one MyCareer discussion per appraisal year. As of the 31 May 2023, the following activity was reported for the period 1 April 2022–31 May 2023:

• 76.2% of officers and 66.6% of staff have completed their MyCareer Discussions = 73.6% combined
• 15.7% of officers and 16.4% of staff have started but not yet completed their MyCareer Discussions = 15.9% combined
• Altogether, 92% of officers and 83.1% of staff have engaged in the MyCareer process = 89.56% combined
• 15,276 officers have completed or are in the MyCareer discussion process, meaning 1,330 officers still required to start and complete the process at deadline of 31 May 2023
• 5,184 police staff have completed or are in the MyCareer Discussion process, meaning 1,055 staff still required to start and complete the process at deadline of 31 May 2023.

Further details are provided in Appendix 2 - MyCareer Executive Summary Report.

The gateway to Police Promotion opened April 2023, where officers use MyCareer as their application for Promotion.

2.1.3 An evaluation will now take place which includes:
• CVF/MyCareer Moodle Training evaluation
• MyCareer SPOC evaluation
• MyCareer Empower Hours evaluation
• MyCareer process Audit / Quality Assurance
• The Data insights / evaluation report will be finalised at the end of September 2023 and will be shared with Members thereafter.

YLM Core Programme (Phase 2):

The YLM Phase 2 programme was designed and developed by the end of February 2023 and has evolved as a crucial enabler of the Policing Together Campaign and programme of work, focusing on the core leadership behaviours.

• Lead and Learn Inclusively
• Have the Courage to do the Right Thing
• Collaborate for growth.

This included consideration of how to re-engage the Senior Leaders who had completed Phase 1 in 2021.

Senior Leader Re-engagement – CS/Supt and staff grades 11-14:

Senior Leader YLM event delivery took place in April and May, targeted at 234 colleagues.

To support wider programme engagement and contextualise learning for the Mid-Level Cohort, Senior Leaders attend summits to provide key speaker inputs whilst role modelling the key leadership behaviours.

Mid-Level Leader Cohort – CI and staff grades 8-10:

Mid-Level Leader programme commenced in April and will run until August with three summits and corresponding consolidation events.

First Level Leaders (FLL) Cohort – PI / PS and staff grades 4-7

The First Level Leaders (FLL) YLM programme will launch in August and will run until October 2024 with 3287 officers and 472 staff scheduled to attend.

YLM Evaluation:

A monthly Evaluation Report is produced, and the first Quarterly Evaluation Report is detailed in Appendix 3.

People Manager Development Programme (PMDP):

A short life working group ran from December 2022 to May 2023 to rapidly identify options and create solutions around improving the competence and confidence of first/second line managers to be more effective people managers.

The output is that a development programme has been designed and piloted focusing on seven pillars of people management. All the pillars are vital; however, prioritisation has been given to Positive Workplace, Attendance & Duty Modifications and Health and Wellness.

The programme delivers:

• Two days training via Microsoft Teams including a session called Starting Point which focuses on creating a positive workplace.

• A People Management Development Programme intranet site which ensures all People Managers have access to the resources and performance support they need, when they need it, 24/7. Resources include checklists, guidance, toolkits, and FAQ’s. There is also clear signposting to key information and support functions, like the Policy Hub and People Direct.

The People Management Development Programme intranet site launched 13th June 2023 and the pilots have been taking place since May with positive feedback from participants and Divisional Commanders. The full programme launches in Quarter 2 and will run into 2024.

Police Leadership Development Programme (PLDP) replacing Diploma in Police Service Leadership and Management (DPSLM):

Following the successful completion of the PLDP pilot in March 2022, two National Promotions Assessment Centres have been undertaken for Sergeants which resulted in two new PLDP cohorts. 48 officers were successful for a North cohort with 46 having been provided Temporary Sergeant postings to date. Of the 46 officers, 30 are due to complete the qualification in July 2023. 15 officers were successful for a rural cohort with all allocated postings.

Following the end of pilot Evaluation Strategy Report, previously submitted to members, it was subsequently submitted to the Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF) and then to the Strategic Leadership Board in May 2023 at which the Chief Constable approved the PLDP as the new Police Scotland promotion qualification, thereby replacing the DPSLM.

Other Leadership Interventions:

The First Line Managers Programme (FLM) Programme is a blended delivery programme for newly promoted Sergeants and staff equivalent.

• 234 students completed Moodle from 1/1/23 - 30/6/23.
• 185 students completed consolidation from 1/1/23 -30/6/23.

The Established Leaders Programme (ELP) is a blended programme for Inspectors and staff equivalent:

• 44 students completed Moodle from 1/1/23 - 30/6/23.
• 45 students completed Consolidation from 1/1/23 - 30/6/23.

The Introduction to Leadership (ITL) Playbook is designed for new Acting and Temporary leaders to increase the behaviours that have a positive impact on leadership at an individual level, the organisational level and for their team. ITL focuses on bite sized and micro learning with a mix of infographics, videos and podcasts and is designed to be downloaded quickly and viewed at any location. ITL uses ‘HOWTO’ which is a web-based learning platform.

The above leadership interventions are under review with a view to simplifying the L&T portfolio due to the implementation of Your Leadership Matters (YLM) and the People Management Development Programme (PMDP).

Accelerated Leadership Pathway (ALP):

Cohort 1

Reviews of officer progress took place in April 2023. Three Chief Inspectors were supported for this year’s Superintendent Assessment Centre. Four officers remain in post and one officer was rotated to L Division. Cohort 1 consists of:

• 3 Chief Inspectors
• 2 Inspectors
• 2 Sergeants (one on maternity leave)

Cohort 2

Reviews of officer progress took place in April 2023. Five officers remain in post. One officer has been rotated to G Division. Cohort 2 consists of:

• 1 Chief Inspector
• 2 Inspectors
• 1 Sergeant
• 2 Temp Sergeants (will complete their PLDP in July)

Cohort 3

Twelve officers were supported to attend National Assessment Centre (NAC) in March 2023 where eight passed and created Cohort 3 which consists of:

• 1 Temp Sergeant (commenced PLDP in June 2023)
• 5 Sergeants
• 2 Inspectors

Newly appointed Chief Superintendents Programmes:

Following Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) a Programme has been delivered to assist recently promoted chief superintendents to transition into role. It includes the following elements:

• Collaboration and Partnership Working
• Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
• Finance
• Media
• Complex HR issues
• Strategy and Governance
• Change Management
• Informal engagement with senior leaders (existing Ch Supt’s in addition to the Force Executive)
• Peer networking/collective learning
• Self-awareness – 360, Clarity 4D, Mentoring, Coaching.

The 12-month programme provides participants with greater self-awareness as leaders along with a more structured way to address some of the gaps that newly appointed chief superintendents may face. By the end of the 12-month programme, delegates will have a clearer understanding of their leadership style; the areas they still require to develop; and their ability to self-assess in terms of their next career move, be that by refining their skills in post, looking for a sideways move and/or applying for the PLP(5)EL (Executive Leaders).

Police Leadership Programme – Stage 5 (Executive Leaders) PLP(5)EL:

The College of Policing (CoP), in conjunction with Deloitte, conducted an independent review of their current leadership offering for Senior Leaders (Senior Police National Assessment Centre and Strategic Command Course) in December 2022. As an outcome of this review, a new UK-wide programme was launched in early 2023 with a change in focus from assessment to ongoing development over a 12-month period. As with previous offerings, this continues to be open to superintendents, chief superintendents and staff equivalents.

Police Scotland has supported the following to participate in the programme during 2023 (all chief superintendents):

• Cohort 1 – commenced Jan 2023 – five participants active.
• Cohort 2 – due to commence August 2023 – four participants supported.

Three further individuals who were not supported at this time have been offered development including 360 feedback, internal mentoring, and external executive coaching in preparation for consideration for future cohorts.

Programme content for Cohort 1 includes:

• Development Centre (2 days, June 2023) – no pass or fail, but those who may need developmental support may be deferred with a development plan.
• Personal and Inclusive Leadership (Sept/Oct 2023) – 2 x 3 days, pass or fail, with resit required if less than 50% is achieved.
• Organisational Leadership (Nov/Dec 2023) – as for Personal and Inclusive Leadership.
• Operational and Partnership Leadership (Feb/March 2024) – as above.

Delegates on cohort 1 are eligible, now accepted onto the programme, to apply for appropriate Force Executive opportunities across the UK. For cohort 2, work continues with portfolio content (submission window to College of Policing being 10th July to 25th August).


At present there are 254 Mentors and 270 Mentees in the organisation.

Mentoring activities during the period include

• Mentors matched to the newly promoted Chief Superintendents and ALP cohorts.
• Candidates for the PLP(5)EL have been offered multiple mentoring opportunities, including reciprocal, peer, traditional or reverse mentoring.
• Meeting with Grampian NHS to share Police Scotland approach to Mentoring.
• Mentoring was ‘spotlighted’ at the REACH Leaders Forum.
• Reverse Mentoring with protected characteristics pilot was extended and the evaluation survey conducted during June 2023.


2.10.1 A new External Executive/Senior Management Coaching Contract has commenced with Taylor Clarke Partnership with 12 coaching relationships active at time of reporting. This complements our internal Executive Coach.

Digital Graduate Programme:

A Digital Graduate Programme is under development to help create a future talent pipeline and reduce current skills gaps within the Digital Division.

The Programme will be advertised from Sept/Oct 2023 via university roadshows and external corporate communications engagement and is scheduled to commence from Aug 2024 as this will allow for the full assessment process and vetting to be completed prior to launch. The graduate programme will last for up to two years and will offer a graduate developer or cyber analyst role focus.

Onboarding Executives

Completed Onboarding Programmes for Force Executive and Senior Colleagues included:

• ACC Duncan – January/February 2023
• DCC Connors – February 2023
• Director of People & Development, Katy Miller – February 2023
• ACC Middleton – February/March 2023
• Ch Supt Rob Shepherd – January 2023

Global Policing Innovation Exchange Leadership Programme (GPXLP):

The GPXLP programme Pilot launched in April via the International Academy in conjunction with the Leadership and Talent team, with a residential programme on Personal and Systems Leadership delivered over a weeklong period at the Australian Institute for Police Management (AIPM). The programme welcomed 19 participants from Police Scotland, the Australian Federal Police (AFT), the National Crime Agency, the Ontario Provincial Police, the New Zealand Police Service, the Dutch National Police, the Carabineros de Chile and the Federal Police of Brazil. A virtual ‘Map the Systems Workshop’ took place in June and work continues to deliver the pilot programme including a study tour in October and final residential in February, hosted by Police Scotland.

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