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Published: 23 February 2024

Bi-annual Leadership & Talent Report - 28 February 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority People Committee with an overview of the progress of the delivery of Leadership & Talent (L&T) development interventions from July to the end of December 2023.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People committee - 28 February 2024

Date : 28 February 2024

Location : online

Further Detail

MyCareer (new appraisal system) June – December 2023

The outcome and recommendations of the MyCareer first 12 months evaluation and audit were shared at the SPA People Committee on 27 November 2023.

Recommendation 2 was supported:

‘Implement minor recommendations to existing training, intranet resources and tools to improve the ongoing implementation of the approach i.e. improve the support surrounding MyCareer without changing the method/approach and requirements linked to promotion. A set of recommendations is prepared to deliver this option based on some of the feedback.’

The endorsed recommendations are now being planned and progressed and will be implemented by the Leadership and Talent team in conjunction with MyCareer’s key points of contact across the organisation. The summary actions include:

• Improving the culture of continuous (day-to-day) MyCareer discussions/activity and performance focused discussions that recognise a balance between day-to-day achievements and areas to continually develop. This will include the concept of creating learning and performance goals that colleagues can focus on.

• Improving tracking and recording of individuals’ evidence of performance by reviewing the Reflection Log approach ensuring swifter feedback and regular person-centred reviews, which are equally applied to Police Officers and Staff.

• Refresh of the learning, training, development, and other tools to shift the focus from the MyCareer process (which was an important focus in year one) to a focus on performance culture approach/day to day conversations.

• Use best practice, lessons learned and effective delivery recommendations and agreed improvements to ensure that Police Scotland is managing MyCareer ambitions and implementing approaches that remain current and ensure a positive colleague experience. This is about linking MyCareer inputs and outputs to other people activities such as development, recruitment and promotion.

MyCareer Discussions and Completion of Reflection Logs

Completion data from 1 June 2023 – 31 December 2023:

• 7.5% of officers and 6.6% of staff had started but not yet completed their MyCareer Discussions = 7.3% combined.
• 9.1% of officers and 7.1% of staff had completed their MyCareer Discussions = 8.5% combined.
• 6,384 Police Officer Reflection Logs have been completed, 432 Police Staff Reflection Logs completed = 6,816
• The deadline to have at least one annual discussion and documented outcomes is 31 March 2024.

At appraisal year end we will measure completion rates relative to last year, in respect of completed MyCareer discussions and progress, chosen development routes (i.e. Develop to Lead), selected development through for example CPD, and CVF levels achieved within reflection logs, against post levels. Rates of reflection log submissions will also be measured. Demographic analysis of male to female data will also be undertaken. Findings will be presented to reflect that last year was a 14-month appraisal year relative to this year’s 10 months.

YLM Core Programme (Phase 2 Continuation)

The YLM Phase 2 programme continues as a crucial enabler of the Policing Together Campaign and programme of work, focusing on the core leadership behaviours of

• Lead and Learn Inclusively
• Have the courage to do the right thing
• Collaborate for growth.

To recap, YLM Phase 2 launched in April 2023. In September 2023 the programme reached the milestone of completing the SPA and Police Scotland Senior Leaders (SL) YLM Refresh; completed the Mid-Level Leaders (MLL) Programme; and commenced the First Level Leaders (FLL) Programme. Circa 3800 FLLs will participate in the programme by early 2025.

Progress and feedback is continually measured, and actions delivered. Monthly and quarterly reports are produced and reviewed with the YLM Strategic Reference Group and YLM Steering Group. A six-monthly evaluation was presented to SPA People Committee on 27th November 2023. As part of this engagement a commitment was made to scope options for additional in-person elements to be introduced into the programme where feasible. This scoping was completed and considered by the YLM Steering Group in January.

Programme participation rates for this mandatory programme have remained high during the period, as follows:

• Completed: Mid -Level Leaders c515 invited – participation across summits ranged from 80% - 86% completing in late August.

• In progress: First Level Leaders c 3800 to be invited to attend between September 2023 and November 2024 (across four rotations with approximately 1000 participants in each rotation, which includes capacity for any MLL or SL who were unable to attend their programme) – Summits 1 and 2 of 3 have been completed for the first rotation (before the strategic training pause in December) with 31% and 26% of the total FLL population booked to attend, i.e. exceeding the target at this point, of 25%.

The YLM evaluation strategy aims to successfully measure YLM core programme outcomes and development growth of leadership behaviours, through various methods of quantifiable data. Some key highlights from the last six months are:

• Senior Leaders Refresh – 83% said they feel more confident in supporting the success of YLM; 84% said they feel the refresh helped them to understand the YLM behaviours and how to embed them.

• Mid-Level Leaders Programme reaction – 80% rated the summits as good or above; 79% said they can apply what they learned; 81% say they will be able to role model what they learned; 74% said that overall, their leadership skills have improved.

• Mid-level Leaders capability uplift – immediately after the programme there was a self-rated increase of capability by 4% overall – this included a 10% increase in Leading and Learning Inclusively and a 12% increase in Collaborate for Growth. However, a 11% decrease was reported in having the Courage to do the Right Thing. It will be important to re-measure this following a period of consolidation and to gain feedback from the line managers of attendees and their direct reports as this was a self-rate immediately post learning.

• First Level Leaders – 77% of participants rated Summit 1 as good or above with the equivalent figure being 72% for Summit 2. From the six Summit 3s delivered before the cause, this figure dropped to 53% which was of concern and all potential reasons for this are being explored, through participant feedback and recently held focus groups. This is being used to inform enhancements to content, programme design or any other improvement deemed necessary and viable. Evaluation response rates have been high through the MLL and FLL phases at 51% and 44% respectively. This compares to a circa 15% rate that is the norm in Police Scotland and is a strong response rate by wider industry standards.

People Manager Development Programme (PMDP)

The PMDP is designed to increase and improve the competence and confidence of people managers in their day-to-day people management role. It recognises the critical role that line managers play in creating a positive workplace that fosters engagement, productivity and wellbeing and aims to support them in this role.

Following a successful pilot, the mandatory People Management Development Programme (PMDP) commenced delivery to sergeants and staff grade 4-7 with people management responsibilities on 26th September 2023.

The Pilot Evaluation Report was presented to the SPA People Committee on 27th November 2023. In line with expectation, there was a broad agreement in the efficacy of the pilot, the programme, and support for delivery to our people managers across the organisation.

The PMDP operated from 26th September 2023 until 29th November 2023, prior to the strategic training pause. Delivery will recommence on 6th February 2024. The PMDP two-day training is currently scheduled on a weekly basis.

177 participants completed the PMDP pilot programme from several organisational areas. This included PS to CI ranks and staff equivalents, and a specific pilot for Superintendent Ranks. The overall number trained has now reached 306 following post-pilot go-live.

Work has been ongoing with members of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) team and the Professional Standards Department (PSD) on further enhancements to the programme. This is with the aim of providing additional benefit to people managers and the overall organisation. The impact of the enhancements will be measured as part of ongoing evaluation.

One of the 7 pillars of the PMDP programme focuses on supporting People Managers to create a positive workplace through developing their skills, behaviours, and confidence to support their teams.

Acknowledging that workplace issues will arise from time to time, work has been undertaken over the last year to significantly develop and improve our mediation provision. This is being supported through developing line manager knowledge and confidence to utilise this service through the PMDP in order to encourage an early intervention approach to addressing workplace issues.

Since April 2023, the number of mediators within the organisation has increased from 8 to 20. Over the next quarter we will be developing this provision further with a view to embedding the service and improving our senior capacity to support the service. Members will be aware that this is one of our key strategic commitments under the People Strategy.

12 mediations have been undertaken this FYTD and while this number remains low, it is more than double that of each of the 4 years prior. Of the 12 cases raised in this financial year, 50% have been resolved through this process, 25% were unresolved and 25% are either partly resolved, resolved outwith the process, or are ongoing. Our aspiration now is to accelerate use of the service through a formal comms launch once additional mediators are in place and dialogue with trade union colleagues has completed.

However, we have received some positive feedback from individuals who have undertaken mediation which includes:

• “I was encouraged and allowed to speak freely to express my issues which led to a better understanding from both parties.”

• “I’m glad I took part in the mediation. I was initially sceptical, but the incident was dealt with in a professional and confidential manner. It helped resolve some of my issues and I would feel more comfortable working with the other person involved in the future.”

While managers are reminded through the creating a positive workplace pillar that officers and staff have a right to pursue a formal grievance if they wish to do so, the importance of having a conversation and exploring an informal route to resolution before pursuing a formal route is strongly promoted.

The work to date in this area underlines our strategic commitment to deliver the PMDP across the organisation to support our line managers. We will continue to keep members informed as work progresses in this area.

Probationer Sergeant Process

At present, Police Scotland holds 315 sergeants who are being monitored through their probationary period via the Leadership and Talent team. The latest promotion parade was held on 27th November 2023. On 27th February 2024, 80 sergeants are scheduled to complete the probationary period and be confirmed in the rank of substantive sergeant.

Police Leadership Development Programme (PLDP)

Following the two National Promotions Assessment Centres (NPAC) in 2022, two PLDP cohorts with officers based in North/Rural divisions were implemented, with commencement dates in 2022 and 2023. 63 officers successfully completed the NPAC, all of whom have been provided with temporary sergeant postings. Of the 63 officers, 43 completed the PLDP, with 19 due to complete between February and August 2024. One officer was withdrawn from the PLDP due to lack of academic progress. The gender split for this cohort is 69% male and 31% female.

Following the approval of the PLDP as the Police Scotland ‘Qualification for Promotion’ in May 2023, NPACs have been undertaken for North, and thereafter, East / West divisions. 88 officers were successful in the North process, of which 65 will undertake the PLDP (the remaining 23 have previously undertaken the promotion qualification – DPSLM).

In November 2023, 23 of the successful officers commenced the qualification, with the remainder due to commence on a quarterly basis in 2024. The East/West NPAC also concluded and 106 officers from this process will commence the PLDP in February 2024. The gender split from East/West process is 70% male and 30% female.

Evaluation is a continuous process, consisting of qualification assessment completion, level of evidence portfolio submissions, feedback from our cross-divisional cohort of subject matter experts, and feedback from learner line managers and staff associations.

Other Leadership Development Interventions

A review was carried out in October 2023 of all leadership development programmes, with a view to streamlining the portfolio, and as a result the following products have ceased, to allow a focus on the signatory products mentioned in section 1 of this report:

• The Introduction to Leadership (ITL) Playbook
• The First Line Managers Programme (FLM)
• The Established Leaders Programme (ELP)

Accelerated Leadership Pathway (ALP)

The officer pathway currently consists of three cohorts, totalling 21 officers during the reporting period. The breakdown by rank over cohorts 1, 2 and 3 is: one Constable, four Sergeants, nine Inspectors, and seven Chief Inspectors. 16 male colleagues are participating, and five females.

Our first ALP graduate emerged following promotion to superintendent, and a second chief inspector was recently promoted to temporary superintendent. 13 of the 21 officers from these cohorts have been temporarily or permanently promoted to the higher rank following Programme Sponsor Boards chaired by the DCC Designate. This validates the selection of pathway participants and points to the quality of support given to their development and the accelerated nature of their promotion.

Newly-promoted Chief Superintendents Programme & Superintendents Programme

The first cohort of the Chief Supt programme is due to complete in February 2024 when a full evaluation of impact will commence. The 12-month programme supported recently-promoted Chief Supt ranks to transition into role, and included the following elements:

• Collaboration and partnership working
• Equality, diversity and inclusion
• Finance
• Media
• Complex HR issues
• Strategy and governance
• Change management
• Informal engagement with senior leaders (existing chief superintendents in addition to the force executive)
• Peer networking/collective learning
• Self-awareness – 360 feedback, Clarity 4D, mentoring, coaching.

1-2-1 meetings were held during September 2023 to review and discuss individuals’ progress and give opportunity to provide programme feedback.

The programme will now be extended to include newly appointed Superintendents, commencing February 2024.

Police Leadership Programme – Stage 5 (Executive Leaders) PLP(5)EL

The new UK-wide programme was launched in early 2023, with a change in focus from assessment to ongoing development over a 12-month period. As with previous offerings, this continues to be open to substantive Superintendents, Chief Superintendents, and staff equivalents across the UK.

Police Scotland supported the following to participate in the programme during 2023 (all Chief Superintendents when selected):

• Cohort 1 – commenced on the programme in June 2023 – now four active participants following the withdrawal of one delegate in November 2023.

• Cohort 2 – commenced on the programme in November 2023 – three active participants.

Ahead of the College of Policing programme commencing, significant support was provided to all applicants by the Leadership and Talent team including two in-house portfolio preparation sessions, review of portfolio submissions and an in-house development week.

Three further individuals who were not supported on this occasion have been offered development, including 360 feedback, internal mentoring, and external executive coaching by way of ongoing development support.

Delegates on both Cohorts are eligible to apply for appropriate Force Executive opportunities across the UK. Planning work is underway in relation to Cohort 3.

Coaching & Mentoring

At present there are 254 mentors and 270 mentees in the organisation. The National Mentoring Programme is currently being evaluated and subject to a full review.

Executive coaching to Senior Leaders during the reporting period was delivered to;

• 17 via the Internal Executive Coach
• 16 via a contract delivered by Taylor Clarke Partnership (4 now complete)
• Gender split, the female: male ratio is 52%: 48% (17: 16) with Taylor Clarke and 44%:56% (7:9) and 59%:41% (10:7)
• Most coachees are officers with the ratio to staff being 91%:9% (30:3)
• Officer ratios for Supers to Chief Super is 50%:50%.
• With the exception of one self-referral, all coaches have been identified from those newly promoted and/or as part of a formal development programme.
• In terms of the priority goals identified for participants, 25% required focus on strategic leadership, 6% related to personal brand, 16% on influencing, 16% on work-life balance, 11% on building relationships, 11% on senior leaders being their authentic self and 5% on developing personal confidence.

Digital Graduate Programme

This continues with the aim of graduate on-boarding from August 2024 for both developer and cyber security analyst roles in our digital division. Universities’ career fair engagement took place between October and November 2023 with advertisement nationally thereafter.

The programme is currently within the design phase to create key graduate programme components and identify measures of success, whilst analysing and benchmarking similar external programmes to ensure Police Scotland offers a competitive and attractive programme that could be extended to other corporate functions in time.

Shortlisting and assessment centre activity is scheduled to take place in the early months of 2024.

Onboarding Executives – Transitioning delivery of the programme

Executive onboarding coordination was reviewed for content and methodology. As part of continuous improvement, the coordination of executive onboarding is now transitioning to the executive support team, with annual oversight, review and evaluation continuing to be delivered by the Leadership & Talent team.

Sex Equality & Tackling Misogyny Workstream

Support is in place for this significant priority area, with the Head of Leadership & Talent being responsible for the leadership workstream and its associated action plan.


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