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Published: 07 May 2024

ARAC annual report - 9 May 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with the annual report of the Audit Risk and Assurance Committee (ARAC) in line with the Scottish Government Audit Committee Handbook guidance.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 9 May 2024

Date : 09 May 2024

Location : online

Further detail

The SG Audit Committee handbook states that the Annual Report should summarise the committee’s work for the year and present its opinion against nine statements.

A summary of the committee’s work is shown in Appendix A along with an assessment against nine statements and any other assurance reports.

The previous years review identified two current gaps relative to the handbook which have now been addressed.
• Bilaterial communications – Chair of the ARAC, AO, Head of Internal Audit and External Auditor. Whilst periodic meetings were held with all parties and there are open access if required, we agreed a timeline of formal meetings between all of the noted parties.
• Significant accounting policies, judgement and estimates. In line with best practice, we have presented this to this committee.

Finally whilst not a current gap, we have recognised the need for ARAC members to have specific accounting and audit skills. This has been built into Members succession planning and for current and future rounds of Members recruitment.

The ARAC has effectively discharged its role and remit effectively over the financial year 2023/24.

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