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Published: 06 February 2024

Approved Minute - 7 November 2023

Report Summary

Approved Minute from Scottish Police Authority Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee held on 7 November 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 6 February 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 6 February 2024

Date : 06 February 2024

Location : online

Audit and Improvement

Members considered the report which provided review conclusions on the Decision-Making Processes (governance) audit, Ill Health Retirements and Injury audit, and the Biometrics audit; as well as the Quarter 2 review results. Members commended BDO for the easy-to-read report.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.

Members considered the report which provided an update of current open recommendations from all audit and improvement activity. DCCSpeirs introduced the paper, advising there had been a large increase in open recommendations in the last quarter, with an overall increase of 150% in the last 12 months. DCCSpeirs noted this was reflective of the volume and range of scrutiny which has taken place during the last year. Donna Adam highlighted a number of key points within the report.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members were informed the Policing Performance Committee had provided feedback on action plans. Whilst the plans assist in planning and prioritising, business areas are encouraged to reflect on commitments to help assess the impact. Members were advised most recommendations are not single activities but are complex due to being across various teams with interdependencies. Members were informed early feedback from business areas on the vetting and mental health action plans was positive in identifying alignments. Further evaluation will take place as work progresses.
• Although Members noted explanations for delays were understandable, the Committee raised concern on the number of open recommendations and sought comment on whether Police Scotland would reassess the ability to undertake such a large volume. DCCSpeirs assured Members that audits and recommendations are scrutinised on a regular basis through internal governance meetings. Members heard the current challenge was the large number of HMICS recommendations which were organisational wide and therefore more complex. Police Scotland meet regularly with HMICS to discuss progress, but recommendations remain open until Police Scotland can suitably demonstrate they have delivered on every aspect. DCCSpeirs suggested that HMICS recommendations are presented separately in future reports.
• Member sought comment on the financial implications of addressing recommendations and were advised the majority don’t require additional cost. James Gray (JGray) added if financial resource was required the budget holder would need to reprioritise otherwise it would be factored into future years budget planning. Members heard if a technological change was required it would be escalated through appropriate channels to ascertain if it can be prioritised in year although JGray emphasised timescales and cost are factored into timescales. Members were assured finance is not an issue in any of the high-risk recommendations. Lynn Brown (LBrown) stressed the importance for high-risk recommendations to be prioritised.
• The Committee Chair sought further detail on the delay relating to mobile phone data extractions. Members heard initial recommendations have been substantially addressed but there are some residual matters that need to be progressed. A follow up report from ICO has introduced new recommendations which have interdependencies with the Crown Office and add additional complexities.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.

Members considered the report which provided an update on Progress against the SPA Corporate Strategy achievement of milestones for Q2 2023/24, and open recommendations from all SPA corporate audit and inspection activity. John McNellis (JMcNellis) highlighted a number of key points within the report.
Members sought clarification of why recommendation 6 from the HMICS Assurance Review of the Toxicology was proposed that HMICS set aside. JMcNellis committed to updating Members prior to the next Committee.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.
• AGREE the following action:
Members to be provided with further information on the proposal to set aside recommendation 6 from the HMICS Assurance Review of the Toxicology.

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