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Published: 11 October 2023

Approved Minute – 4 May 2023

Report Summary

This is the Approved Minute documented for the Forensic Services Committee held on 4 May 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 10 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 10 August 2023

Date : 10 August 2023

Location : online

Forensic Services Strategic Workforce Plan

Members were provided with the final draft Forensic Services Strategic Workforce Plan for review and discussion by Members prior to approval at a future Authority meeting. During discussions the following matters were raised:

The Chair noted that this plan was for one year and sought clarity on when a longer plan would be progressed. FDouglas advised that within the next 5 to 6 months work would be carried out on the demand forecast to inform a more comprehensive 5 year Strategic Workforce Plan that will fully consider what is required within forensic services long term.

FMcQueen advised that she was keen to see more granular data and details of the plan in the coming months and advised that she would be keen to see what career progression was available for expert specialist roles and the approach to apprenticeships. FDouglas advised that there are no plans around the use of AI within Forensic Services at this stage, however, automated processing is an area they will look at, particularly in toxicology. FDouglas advised that career progression is at the heart of the development of the new operating model with more roles available to allow that progression. FDouglas advised that the intention is to look at an Apprenticeship Development Pipeline that allows for the improvement of diversity in forensic science, particularly for support areas in the organisation. Although graduate apprenticeships is not an option for Forensic Science, through the use of apprenticeships they will look to fund sponsorship for staff to gain a degree qualification. FDouglas advised that although work is ongoing with colleagues in Police Scotland, on apprenticeships will need to start from scratch in engaging with the college sector. Alan Connell (AConnell) advised that they have met with Skills Development Scotland who are the route into a modern apprenticeship as they will canvas the colleges on Forensic Services’ behalf.

FDouglas advised that further work would be required around demand forecasting before this can be progressed. The Shortlife Working Group will progress for the next 5-6 months, and it is anticipated that a fuller plan would be available for the next financial year. The Chair asked that SPA Forensics fully engage with SPA Workforce Governance colleagues on this piece of work. Members endorsed the approach so far and will welcome a further update in due course.

Members NOTED the report and AGREED the following action:

20230405–FSC – 005: Fiona Douglas to ensure that SMT are fully engaged with SPA Workforce Governance Colleagues on this piece of work.