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Published: 11 October 2023

Approved Minute – 4 May 2023

Report Summary

This is the Approved Minute documented for the Forensic Services Committee held on 4 May 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 10 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 10 August 2023

Date : 10 August 2023

Location : online

Forensic Services Performance Report – Q4

FDouglas provided an overview of the Forensic Services Performance Report, Q4 2022/23. During discussions the following matters were raised:

Members were advised that the outsourcing in relation Post Mortem Toxicology would continue until a steady state is achieved, anticipated to be reached by July 2023. The Chair referred to page 9 (Lab Demand against Capacity) and sought assurance that there are no issues around the reported increase in relation capacity. FDouglas advised that due to the introduction of a new way of recording imaging requests into the evidence management system there shows an absence of data, however, assured members that the demand around imaging is stable. The Chair sought clarity on whether or not samples relating to Drug Driving were being batched when outsourced. FDouglas confirmed they were batched to the outsource provider and that they work together on timing for transfer of batches. Alastair Patience (APatience) advised that batches are sent monthly, however, more frequently if required.

Caroline Staurt (CStuart) referred to the new format for the Performance Report in line with the performance framework and encouraged a balance scorecard approach is taken. Having a RAG status for members and partners will ensure that the good information being provided within the report was not lost on the reader. FDouglas agreed the need to tell the story in a simple and clear way and advised that she would be keen to share with members to ensure it captures what they require.

Jane Ryder (JRyder) referred to complaints around service delivery and sought clarity around those complaints. FDouglas advised that Forensic Services are required to refer complaints from the public to the SPA Complaints & Conduct Committee. Craig Donnachie (CDonnachie) advised that complaints for this quarter related to scene examination and were both now resolved. Effectiveness checks are undertaken on management actions to complaints to ensure action taken is effective.
FMcQueen referred to capacity and sought clarity on whether there was a target for the age of cases and closure of cases. FDouglas advised that there is an output target for each area of Forensic Services which will be reported within the new Performance Report and informed members on the timeliness aspects and challenges faced.

Members NOTED the report and AGREED the following action;

20230504-FSC-003: Fiona Douglas to ensure that quarterly performance is reported in a balanced scorecard format, including RAG status.