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Published: 11 October 2023

Approved Minute – 4 May 2023

Report Summary

This is the Approved Minute documented for the Forensic Services Committee held on 4 May 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 10 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 10 August 2023

Date : 10 August 2023

Location : online

Forensic Services Performance Framework

Members were provided with a report which included the draft Forensic Services Performance Framework for review and discussion, prior to going for approval at a future Authority Meeting. During discussions the following matters were raised;

Vicki Morton (VMorton) advised that the frequency of reporting will be dependant on what part of the framework is being reported on as Health and Safety data is well established other areas that require more development. VMorton referred to current data and advised that they do have a significant amount of benchmarking and baseline information, however, they have more quantative data compared to qualitative.

Members were advised that FS had worked closely with People and Devlopment colleagues within Police Scotland in terms of metrics, using the systems and processes in place within both PS and SPA. Work is ongoing with P&D to enhance the available data. FDouglas agreed with the need to look for areas of synergy between the FS Performance Framework and PS measures.

CStuart sought clarity on what the approach would be to building this into staff PDR’s. FDouglas agreed that ensuring objectives were aligned to team success, is critical however this is still a work in progress.

The Chair sought clarity on when this would be taken to the SPA Board for approval to allow these more detailed reports to be prepared for committee. VMorton advised that she would take members comments offline and give that some consideration and provide an update on the action log.

Members NOTED the report and AGREED the following action;

20230504-FSC-004: Vicki Morton to consider members comments and provide an update on the framework and progression to the SPA Board for approval.