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Published: 11 October 2023

Approved Minute – 4 May 2023

Report Summary

This is the Approved Minute documented for the Forensic Services Committee held on 4 May 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 10 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 10 August 2023

Date : 10 August 2023

Location : online

Forensic Services Financial Monitoring Report Period 11

FDouglas provided members with an update on the financial position of Forensic Services as at the end of P11 (28 February 2023) of the financial year 2022/23. During discussions the following matters were raised;

Members sought clarity around the underspend and were advised that they were primarily in relation to staff costs and the deliberate pause in recruitment. FMcQueen sought clarity on whether the lack of use on capital would have an impact on the Transformation Programme. FDouglas advised that there would be no impact as there is only a small amount of capital associated to the implementation of the model.

CStuart asked for an update on where the cost to serve area of work had reached. Chris Johnstone (CJohnstone) advised that the work is planned in from an SPA finance perspective, with meetings underway in order to develop a framework.

Members NOTED the report.