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Published: 11 October 2023

Approved Minute – 4 May 2023

Report Summary

This is the Approved Minute documented for the Forensic Services Committee held on 4 May 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 10 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 10 August 2023

Date : 10 August 2023

Location : online

Forensic Services Change Programme Update

Joanne Tierney (JTierney) provided members were provided with a report which updating them on the progress of the Forensic Services Change Programme. During discussions the following matters were raised;

CStuart sought clarity on what was being done to mitigate risk around capacity as she had concerns around this project being able to start if approved by the Resources Committee. JTierney advised that working alongside AConnell they were identifying efficiencies and how they are addressing the use of current systems. JTierney advised that the core operating system was fundamental to underpinning the success of benefits realisation associated with the operating model. If they were unsuccessful in receiving authority to progress that there would be a need to reframe the timeframe for the benefits associated with the operating model, taking longer to deliver. FDouglas advised that capacity to change is something the organisation are aware of and noted the need to be pragmatic in their approach. FDouglas added that discussions would be difficult due to the current climate, however, there is a need to set themselves up to succeed and do that in a phased manner that addresses the core priority areas initially.

JRyder noted that whatever system was being adopted the data migration required to be a major part of the project. JTierney assured members that there is a wealth of work being done in this area and they will be in a position to clearly articulate data migration requirements

Members NOTED the report