Report Summary
This is the approved Minute from the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 28 November 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 20 February 2025.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 20 February 2025
Date : 20 February 2025
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA - Anyone requiring lift access should enter via the George Square entrance.
Members considered the report which provided detail relating to the Police Service, policing, and the state of crime. Chief Constable Jo Farrell (CCFarrell) provided an overview of the points noted within the executive summary of her report. In addition to the report, CCFarrell made an appeal for information relating to Alistair Wilson’s murder and asked that anyone with information contact 101 or the dedicated online portal. CCFarrell advised a new investigation team is in place who will examine all evidence gathered over the last 20 years and will investigate new opportunities such as advances in technology and forensic testing. CCFarrell confirmed Police Scotland’s commitment to the reinvestigation and underlined support for Mr Wilson’s family and the forces determination to bring those involved to justice.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members referred to the Mental Health Taskforce and asked what the priorities and excepted outcomes are. DCC Alan Speirs (DCCSpeirs) responded that the priority is collaboration, and work with the Scottish Government to publish a multi-agency collaboration framework continues. Members were also assured bespoke training is being rolled out.
• Members asked how Police Scotland are using learning from events such as Black History Month to get tangible action. DCCSpeirs advised the key strand of the Policing Together portfolio is community and partnership working. There have been a number of events this year leading to increased engagement and additional community advisors have been recruited with a bespoke job description. Survey results will work in parallel with benchmarking to measure process and unity training continues to be rolled out. CCFarrell commented that, compared to last year, the wealth and depth of contribution to Black History Month from those in the organisation and from the community was richer, and she feels there is movement towards acknowledging a desire to be anti-racist and a focus on making a difference.
• DCC Jane Connors (DCCConnors) informed the Authority that the extra powers in relation to Operation Moonbeam had a deterrent effect and worked well. Increased partnership working in Dundee was also positive although the policing response started earlier, on 31 October 2024. DCCConnors supported the call for fireworks only to be sold for organised events.
• An update on the local police service delivery review was sought and Members heard it was a key opportunity to build front line capacity. DCCConnors confirmed the review would be reported to the Resources Committee and updates and timelines will go to the Policing Performance Committee.
• Members sought assurance that there was a sustainable model for roads policing and heard that the service and capability provided to roads policing are in line with budgets available. CCFarrell confirmed Police Scotland were committed to responding to HMCIS recommendations and progress will be reported through appropriate governance routes.
• Further comment was sought on the impacts of the Force Mobilisation Model. CCFarrell stated that ahead of the workforce survey, a key message received when talking to the front line was that the ability to respond at weekends was challenging due to rising demand. The Force Mobilisation Model will help move front line Officers and staff onto a pattern where additional support at the weekends will be provided.
• The Chair sought CCFarrells view on live facial recognition. CCFarrell advised that whilst it is being used elsewhere in policing in the UK, she felt it was important that the deployment of any new technology can maintain the confidence of communities. Therefore, before any implementation, Police Scotland have agreed to have conversations with the public so they can express their views. DCC Bex Smith advised she was the strategic lead and was confident that Police Scotland will create opportunities for people to share their varied views.
Members noted the report and agreed the following action:
20241128-BM-001: Outcome of national conversation on live facial recognition to be concluded by May 2025.