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Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Scottish Police Authority People Committee held on 28 February 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 30 May 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 30 May 2024

Date : 30 May 2024

Location : Online


Members were provided a verbal update on Police Scotland’s implementation plan for the People Strategy and Strategic Workforce Plans. KMiller advised implementation plans for both would be provided to the next meeting. Dashboards will look at areas such as leadership and wellbeing as well as detailing the outcomes of the plans which will pull together various pieces of work being undertaken.
The Committee confirmed they looked forward to receiving plans as outlined, in the May meeting.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the update.

Members considered the paper which provided an overview of Police Scotland workforce at end of Q3 2023/24. KMiller highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members were advised the length of time to hire was inclusive of vetting periods which created challenges on timescales. With a competitive recruitment market, focus would be on candidate experience rather than the whole recruitment process.
• Members questioned whether there was a target absence rate and heard there would not be one figure due to differences in roles across the organisation, however there would be an aspirational number to align against strategy. Members also heard there were differences in absence rates across departments and analysis of this would be included in the strategic workforce implementation plans.
• The Committee requested future reports include further details on absence.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.
• AGREE the following action:
Future reports to include further detail on absence.
PC – 20240228- 001

Members considered the paper which provided an update on Police Scotland’s approach to the prioritisation and assurance of People Policy. KMiller highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper.
Members were assured all policies are legally compliant, but work continues to ensure all are consistent in tone and accessibility. People and Development continue to work with Policing Together to identify gaps and reprioritise.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.

Members considered the paper which provided an update on recent People activities across Forensic Services. Vicki Morton highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members heard recruitment takes on average 4-6 months, inclusive of vetting. The new organisational structure had provided progression opportunities for internal staff which has resulted in backfill challenges. Members sought assurance that the Forensic Services People Board were managing the risk and heard the People Board analyse any vacancy impacts plus opportunities to make quicker decisions on backfill. The People Board discuss recruitment decisions on fortnightly basis to minimise any delay, and support is provided from a dedicated Police Scotland recruitment team.
• Members welcomed the inclusion and roll out of the Police Scotland-led Your Leadership Matters Programme to complement the in-house Forensic Services leadership activities.
• The Committee Chair welcomed the introduction and requested future reports future reports include outcome measures and evidence for assurance.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.
• AGREE the following action:
Future reports to detail outcome measures to provide evidence and assurance.
PC – 20240228- 002

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