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Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Scottish Police Authority People Committee held on 28 February 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 30 May 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 30 May 2024

Date : 30 May 2024

Location : Online


Members considered the paper which highlighted data, insight and current actions in relation to police office recruitment. KMiller highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members noted it was encouraging to the data, and the sustained levels of BAME recruits was welcomed.
• Members raised concern regarding the drop in female recruitment and were informed an independent recruitment MOT had been undertaken which had provided a number of findings. Members also heard a drop could be attributed to the brand of policing (not Police Scotland specifically), and different recruitment competition within different geographical locations. Notwithstanding, Members questioned why rates were so different from three years ago and were told more work was required to understand the change. The proportion of female applicants is the same as those being recruited successfully so focus would be on attracting applicants. The Committee Chair asked if there was a discriminative point of view that the organisation is accepting that policing is not for woman. KMiller confirmed there was not and comparison within the paper to the NHS was an outcome of the independent MOT.
• Members were advised that reform funding had been applied for to increase recruitment branding and advertising.
• Members questioned how Police Scotland will recruit more part time working if recruitment and training is a lengthy process. KMiller responded that the first iteration of the strategic workforce plan was to understand the current state and future work would look at applicant timing and training.
• Members sought clarity on whether the bar was too high on fitness assessments if females are failing and heard fitness tests are reviewed to ensure the minimum requirement is appropriate. Members were informed fitness was tested during probation but there was no further fitness testing in the course of a whole career unless a specialist role has a requirement for it.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.

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