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Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Scottish Police Authority People Committee held on 28 February 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 30 May 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 30 May 2024

Date : 30 May 2024

Location : Online


Members considered the paper which provided a strategic overview in relation to health & safety within the SPA and Police Scotland. Dawn Maclean (DMaclean) highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members were advised the RPE Equipment Sub-group have representation from staff sides and trade unions.
• The Committee requested future reports provide more comparative data, in place of statistical commentary.
• Members questioned where injuries to people who are in custody are reported to and heard they are reported as a third-party incident to the Health and Safety board.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.
• AGREE the following action:
Future reports to provide more comparative data, in place of statistical commentary.
PC – 20240228- 003

Members considered the paper which provided an overview of a revised Health and Safety Certificate of Assurance process. DMaclean highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper. Will report back on any findings.
Members sought clarity on whether there is confidence that senior leaders are discussing and highlighting the relevant health and safety issues. Members heard work is ongoing to create a forecast which will identify any improvements or gaps to provide assurance to senior leaders.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.


Members considered the paper which provided closing updates regarding the Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan 2021-24 and outline the Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan 2024-27. DMaclean highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members were informed 2021-2024 red and ambers were mainly due to difference approaches and work still to be done will be identified and addressed within the action plan.
• The Committee Chair reiterated the requirement for future reporting to provide time bound objectives.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.

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