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Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Scottish Police Authority People Committee held on 27 November 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 28 February 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People committee - 28 February 2024

Date : 28 February 2024

Location : online

Wellbeing and inclusion


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide an update on the organisational response to our Your Voice Matters wellbeing & engagement survey. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• Members welcomed the data and insights provided and requested further detail on the frequency, comparability, and ability to conduct further research and evaluation.
• Police Scotland advised that conversations are in progress regarding the frequency of colleague surveys and future design will include comparability across other forces and organisations, and a holistic approach will be taken regarding further research and insights.
• Members acknowledged the aspirations of the activity within YVM and discussed concerns around the wellbeing of colleagues and how YVM will listen, collect, and utilise information from colleagues.
• Police Scotland agreed that improvement is required in this area Members were advised that progress is underway in the design of an online dialogue platform where colleagues can submit ideas, thoughts and feelings and the organisation continues to look at different methods to keep colleagues informed and engaged.
• Members queried the timescales for actions detailed in the report and requested that Police Scotland make these timescales for completion clearer.
• Colleagues from the SPF and ASPS provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.
• The Chair noted the suggestion from ASPS that the delivery of YVM via the intranet should not be the only option for collecting colleague insights.

PEOPLE – 20231127 – 001 - Your Voice Matters (YVM): Police Scotland to review and make clearer the expected timescales for actions to be completed which appear in the appendix of the report


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide
oversight of Police Scotland/SPA Health and Wellbeing activity throughout Q2 2023/24. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• Members welcomed the detail in the report and were supportive of all the activity in progress.
• Members asked how the organisation could be more proactive in providing support to colleagues as there appears to be an emphasis on individuals having to request support.
• The Director of People and Development (P&D) acknowledged that there are two lenses to be considered. The first, providing an immediate response to colleagues who need support, and second, the preventative piece. Members were advised that an external evaluation of Wellbeing is being undertaken and once complete the findings from this will support an evidence led approach regarding both of these factors.
• The Chair asked what activity is in progress to mitigate the risks to officers and staff wellbeing and to ensure a meaningful and manageable workload.
• The Director of P&D advised that there are around 300 FTE vacancy gaps in the staff structure which puts pressure on the existing workforce. Actions are being undertaken to identify ways that demand in Business as Usual (BAU) activities can be improved/reduced, as well as seeking solutions to increase capacity and identifying the scope for possible automation and any organisational/policy changes. The Director advised members that SERR methodology will be introduced in January which will look at ways to transform corporate services based on a zero-based budget.
• DCC Speirs advised Members that there has been a reduction in the number of officers and Police Scotland is focussing on the following areas, the training of first line managers via Your Leadership Matters, the remodelling of local policing, delivering change differently and new ways to deliver recruitment.
• Members asked how confident is Police Scotland that colleagues have a manageable workload.
• DCC Speirs advised that there is a reliance on 1st and 2nd line managers to support with this and Police Scotland is working to ensure that colleagues receive time back and days off and there are challenges due to the complexity of the tasks/investigations being undertaken.
• Colleagues from the SPF and ASPS provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.
• In order to provide a better understanding of the pressures of workload on colleagues, Members requested that Police Scotland bring a report to the next committee detailing the actions being taken to ensure prioritisation of workload is fair and reasonable for both officers and staff.

PEOPLE – 20231127 – 002 - Wellbeing Report: Police Scotland to provide a report to the next committee detailing the actions being taken to ensure prioritisation of workload is fair and reasonable for both officers and staff in the light of budgetary reductions


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide an update of the People Committee on the review of the Ill Health Retirement (IHR) and Injury on Duty (IoD) award processes. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• Members requested an update on the 6-month trial for fast track and asked whether this would continue. Members were advised that the trail is still in progress and an update and evaluation would be provided at the next committee, with the hope that the process would continue.
• Members enquired whether appropriately qualified medical practitioners are now in place. This was confirmed to be correct and there will be no drop in the services provided as the organisation transitions to a new/successful provider.


• Members considered the paper which had been submitted to introduce the Policing Together (PT) Bi-annual Performance Report. The report covers the quarters 1 and 2 of 2023/24. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.
• In terms of prioritisation Members asked for an update on the activity being undertaken to embed any changes. Police Scotland advised that they are focussing on a number of priority areas, which include:

 Evaluation
 Policy and Practices
 Data
 Divisional Structures

• Members sought clarification on the Police Staff resignation rates on page 48 of the report which shows minority ethnic individuals resigning at a far higher rate than other staff. Police Scotland advised that they are seeking further insight as to why this is the case, but the percentage element of this will be skewed due to the small number of individuals impacted.
• The Chair noted that the IRG had reported that minority ethnic colleagues did not enjoy a good experience after joining the service. Police Scotland advised that their experience in training was generally good but this dips when they move to division and work is being undertaken to look at the support tutor constables can provide, the training that tutor constables receive, and the ongoing engagement with the diversity staff association SEMPER.
• Members noted that Police Scotland had recently undertaken an organisation wide staff survey on institutional discrimination with over 1100 respondents and asked whether any early findings had been found prior to the full analysis due early next year.
• Police Scotland advised that whilst a full analysis is still to be undertaken it was acknowledged that there had been mixed responses to the survey but there has been recognition that Sir Iain’s comments have started a conversation that would otherwise never have taken place.
• Members acknowledged the amount of effort and activity involved under the Policing Together banner and requested that the reporting be strengthened to draw out the impact of the activity undertaken and how this will be measured. Police Scotland agreed there needs to be a logical link to the outcomes and this will be included in future reporting.
• Members noted the importance of what the future organisation will fundamentally feel like to its colleagues not just what the organisation looks like.
• Police Scotland advised that they are correlating and aligning both the colleagues and the public’s experiences, and work on this will be ongoing.

PEOPLE – 20231127 – 003 - Policing Together: Police Scotland to strengthen reporting on the impact of activity undertaken under the banner of Policing Together


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide a progress update on action underway on the Sex Equality and Tackling Misogyny work stream of Policing Together. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• Members welcomed the inclusion of performance measures in the report and asked that these should capture all the activity in progress and evidence of impact.
• Colleagues from the SPF and ASPS provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.
• Members asked how the organisation will ensure that all activities and wider changes such as reclassification of sexual misconduct be linked into and aligned to the work in progress. Police Scotland advised that the work of the Professional Standards Division, the Sex Equality and Tackling Misogyny group and the VAWG Strategy will all be aligned to maintain those strategic links via Policing Together and under the Professionalism portfolio led by DCC Speirs.
• Members agreed that based on the update provided the action - PEOPLE-20230531-006 could now be closed

PEOPLE – 20231127 – 004 - Sex Equality and Tackling Misogyny: Police Scotland to ensure performance measures capture all the activity in progress and evidence of impact


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