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Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Scottish Police Authority People Committee held on 27 November 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 28 February 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People committee - 28 February 2024

Date : 28 February 2024

Location : online

Leadership and Talent


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide the outcomes and recommendation of the MyCareer Evaluation and Audit which was completed following one calendar year since the initial launch of MyCareer. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• The Committee discussed the usage and perception of MyCareer and the percentage of those who saw My Career as a career opportunity. Police Scotland noted that uptake has been positive for the first year of the cycle and there have been varying opinions between officers and staff on how beneficial MyCareer is.
• Members acknowledged that 121 discussions and reflection logs are a significant part of the MyCareer process and noted that a substantial number of colleagues were neither positive or neutral in the report findings and asked whether there were any issues capturing the hearts and minds of colleagues.
• The Director of P&D advised that Police Scotland felt that the statistics were promising in the first year of introducing MyCareer to the organisation and this report provides good insights for ‘what’s next’ in MyCareer. Regarding 121 discussions, Police Scotland advised that there is a need to move from a prescriptive approach to 121 meetings, making them less formal, less time prescriptive and more often.
• Members asked whether Police Scotland have achieved the right balance with the level of content and opportunities in MyCareer. The Director of P&D advised that there are two elements to be achieved, firstly how the organisation evidence that the process works, and secondly the wider element of culture and how the organisation evidences concerned for their staff. Police Scotland need to ensure that the process does not become cumbersome or bureaucratic and that engagement with colleagues remains a priority.
• Colleagues from Staff Associations provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide results of the People Management Development Programme (PMDP) Pilot Evaluation and highlight post pilot recommendations that are currently being progressed. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.
• Members welcomed the update and were satisfied with the detail provided
• Colleagues from SPF provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.
• There were no additional questions or comments from Members


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to outline the progress and evaluation of Your Leadership Matters (YLM) programme Phase Two at the end of the initial 6 months. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• The Director of P&D advised that feedback had been taken onboard from staff associations and trade unions around the possibility of face-to-face training. Police Scotland will review this with the hope of running a pilot in February/March of next year.
• Members welcomed the various approaches to development discussed at Section 6 and Police Scotland’s desire to ensure that these are not seen as events but ongoing development for colleagues throughout their career.
• The Director of P&D confirmed this was the strategic intent and stated that the organisation intends to set leaders up for success and ensure that colleagues feel assured and confident in their leaders. The Director of P&D added that role related learning, leadership, and managerial activity within MyCareer will be key to delivering a ‘signature programme’ that every leader and every colleague experiences.
• Regarding the YLM programme, Members asked whether there is any intent to bring the facilitation of this programme in house to and how will organisational learning be captured.
• The Director of P&D advised that capacity wise it is right for the leadership programme to be delivered by an external contractor, but in the future after YLM has been delivered, decisions will be made on ‘What next?’ and training will be brought in-house.
• The Director of P&D is comfortable that organisational learning is being captured through the external provider’s evaluation model and feedback from colleagues, staff associations and trade unions.
• Colleagues from SPF and ASPS provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.


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