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Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Scottish Police Authority People Committee held on 27 November 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 28 February 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People committee - 28 February 2024

Date : 28 February 2024

Location : online

Health and Safety


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide a strategic overview in relation to health & safety within the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• The Chair sought further detail around the 62% progress on progress implementing the actions and clarity on the 38% outstanding. Police Scotland advised that those are productions actions owned by the Estates team and an update on the outstanding actions will be provided to the next committee.
• Members asked whether the outstanding actions in the four areas mentioned in the strategic plan will continue into the next iteration and Police Scotland confirmed the outcomes not completed will remain on the strategic plan and an update on this will be provided at the next committee.
• Police Scotland provided Members with an update on the recent flooding in the production stores and provided assurance that this is a priority for the Estates Team to resolve.
• Members noted the that an officer required surgery after an incident during OST training and Police Scotland confirmed that a full report was undertaken by a Health and Safety Officer and recommendations were made to OST and confirmed that the colleague was recovering from the incident.
• Regarding the Surefire ear plugs, Members asked for a report to be brought back to committee on the progress made to implement the use of these ear plugs, which considers the associated risks if not implemented.
• Colleagues from the SPF provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.

PEOPLE – 20231127 – 005 - Health and Safety: Police Scotland to report back to the committee on the progress made to fully implement the use of Surefire earplugs and considering the associated risks if not implemented


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide a bi-annual update outlining activity undertaken under the Your Safety Matters end-to-end strategic review of all issues related to the prevention of violence and abusive behaviour against police officers and police/SPA staff, to ensure they are effectively trained, equipped, and supported while carrying out their duties. In addition to the written report the following was discussed.

• Members welcomed the report and the emphasis on the safety of officers and staff.
• Members requested further information on the lessons learned from Operation Hampshire and Police Scotland agreed to provide a report to the committee on the benchmarking undertaken and key lessons learned.
• Colleagues from the SPF and ASPS provided their insights in relation to the discussions and commented on their experience and understanding of the topics discussed.
• Regarding the pausing of officer training, Police Scotland provided assurance that the organisation conducted checks on the number of colleagues that had been scheduled out for training and noted that these numbers were low, and assurance was provided that the individuals impacted will receive training as soon as possible after the pause is lifted.

PEOPLE – 20231127 – 006 - Your Safety Matters: Police Scotland to provide Members with a report on the benchmarking undertaken and key lessons learned


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