Report Summary
This is the Approved Minute documented for the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 27 June 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 22 August 2024.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024
Date : 27 June 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Members considered the report which provided detail relating to the Police Service, policing, and the state of crime. CCFarrell provided an overview of the points noted within the executive summary of her report.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members sought information on timescales for Police Scotland support to criminal justice reform, and how any impact will be measured. CCFarrell stated that Police Scotland’s motivation is primarily to do with improving the service victims receive. In relation to specific areas, Members heard the digital capability for data exchange is well advanced in relation to roll out and will continue for another 18-24 months, whilst the roll out of body worn video to all officers is a three-year programme. CCFarrell commented that partnership work in the area is focussed on change of policy and practice in terms of the way partners are operating to manage and progress cases through the system to ensure a more efficient service.
• Following the recent Biometrics conference, Members sought comment on opportunities and safeguards required, and heard a programme of work is underway to understand issues around the use of facial recognition, building on lessons learned elsewhere. CCFarrell stated that opportunities capitalised at the conference were about opening the debate on balancing privacy and exploiting technology available, whilst introducing a message of reassurance that there will be a rights-based pathway with internal and external challenge and scrutiny. CCFarrell advised that the Metropolitan Police have progressed in the area more so than others and Police Scotland are linked in to learn from what they have done.
• Members sought more information on the impact of recent campaigns on tackling violence against women and girls, and child exploitation. DCCSmith stated that evaluating preventative activity is challenging but work is ongoing to try do so. Feedback is being sought from third sector partners to help inform future campaigns and focus groups with survivors have been held to help understand how campaigns can improve. DCCSmith referenced the Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland, noting requests had risen which was positive, however, the scheme will be independently evaluated to understand how that can also be improved. DCCSmith highlighted that feedback on the ‘That Guy’ campaign has impacted versions 2 and 3 to focus on male perpetrators.
• The Chair sought comment the use of facial recognition for child sex exploitation cases to which DCCSmith responded that utilising technology has had an impact on capacity as Police Scotland can process more to reduce threat and risk in that area.
• Members questioned how the mental health taskforce will help deliver work at pace. CCFarrell confirmed that Police Scotland will never turn their back on people in crisis and know they have a role to play. However, Officer feedback is that a disproportionate amount of time is spent supporting those in crisis. Partnership working has driven some improvements, but the taskforce will look at resetting policy and working further with partners to establish what is available to Officers locally to give confidence to make good risk assessments. DCC Alan Speirs (DCCSpeirs) added that robust governance arrangements are in place and increased training will be rolled out. All C3 staff have been trained to help identify mental health issues and how they can divert to NHS services for a more appropriate response.
• Members sought comment on the operational benefits of hosting the FBI Leadership Programme and the cost recovery. DCCSpeirs responded that the benefit of hosting allows the organisation to focus on key shared themes, and participation allows development opportunities. DCCSpeirs confirmed that it generates an income and there could be an opportunity for wider sector participation.
• In response to a question on Corporate Parenting, CCFarrell commented that she felt the organisation have a strong responsibility to ensure opportunities are available. CCFarrell acknowledged more work can be done to link the teenage youth volunteer scheme and progressing into Police Scotland as a career.
• Noting he had a connection to a private retail business, Alasdair Hay (AHay) sought further information on the retail crime pilot. CCFarrell explained that the pilot uses technology to allow retail outlets to report shoplifting in an efficient way. Officers are not deployed to speak to security specialists as they can provide evidence virtually, which provides a collaborative partnership approach. CCFarrell noted that increases in shoplifting partly relate to targeted inquisitive crime and also from the impact of the cost-of-living crisis. DCCSmith added that prevention is key when addressing targeted retail crime and Police Scotland are working with partners and businesses to address the issues. AHay welcomed the proposal to bring a case study to a future Policing Performance Committee.
• Members sought comment on the role of police staff in providing warranted officers with support. CCFarrell commented that feedback from staff is that they don’t always feel included. A new staff survey is due to be launched with inclusion and connection being a key theme. CCFarrell highlighted some skilled staff roles and noted the balance was not right between Officers and staff as more specialist staff expertise was required.
The Authority RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.