Report Summary
Approved Minute from the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 23 May 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 21 June 2023.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 June 2023
Date : 21 June 2023
Location : Apex Grassmarket, Edinburgh
Item 9
Members considered the report which sought approval for the Joint Strategy for Policing 2023/26. CCLivingstone and LBrown both highlighted the high level of consultation and feedback taken therefrom. Thanks was given to SPA and Police Scotland teams for the work undertaken.
Policing Performance Chair, Alasdair Hay, confirmed the Committee supported the strategy and would be considering how implementation is progressed through the performance framework.
The Authority RESOLVED to:
- APPROVE the Joint Strategy for Policing 2023/26.