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Published: 28 June 2024

Approved Minute - 23 May 2024

Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 23 May 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 27 June 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024

Date : 27 June 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH

Covert Policing Assurance

Members considered the report which provided high-level assurance of the governance, inspection and oversight arrangements for covert policing tactics and operations. DCCSmith highlighted a number of key points as detailed in the paper.

In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Members sought comment on the extent and scale of covert policing in Scotland, and the additional wellbeing measures. DCCSmith responded she would be able to provide more detail in a private setting but confirmed Police Scotland scrutinise the use of covert policing and maximise the benefits. The Chair emphasised that whilst the Authority don’t have oversight of covert policing, but need assurance on the use and officer welfare issues therefore requested that the more private detailed offered is shared at a future Members session.
• Members asked how the public can get assurance on covert policing operations. DCCSmith responded that there is strict oversight of how officers conduct themselves and the publicly available Annual Report on the use and oversight of covert investigatory powers could provide assurance.
• GBiggar informed Members that NCA use covert policing on nearly every case throughout the UK. The key underpinning is proportionality and necessity, and any use requires approval from the Lord Advocate.
• Attendees discussed the requirement to make improvements to be at the forefront of technology. DCCSmith and GBiggar agreed both Police Scotland and NCA require improvement in technology to at least match the capability of crime groups.

The Authority RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.
• AGREE the following action:
Further detail on covert policing arrangements, training, and welfare provisions to be reported too future Member Seminar.

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