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Published: 09 October 2023

Approved Minute – 22 June 2023

Report Summary

Approved Minute from Scottish Police Authority Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee held on 22 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 2 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee

Date : 02 August 2023

Location : online

Item 2.1


Members considered three new internal audit reports.

Change Management - DESC

Gary Devlin (GDevlin) highlighted a number of key points and the recommendations as detailed within the report.

The Committee Chair noted it was helpful that 5 of 8 recommendations had progressed, and the Committee noted resource and capacity issues need to be resolved.

Change Management – Resource Deployment Unit

GDevlin highlighted a number of key points as detailed within the report.  

In discussion the following matters were raised:

  • The Committee Chair noted that Police Scotland had previously highlighted the area would benefit from Internal Audit activity.
  • Chief Superintendent Alan Waddell (ChSuptWaddell) thanked Internal Audit for the work undertaken. ChSuptWaddell paid tribute to the staff within the Resource Deployment Model (RDU), but acknowledged it is un-restructured since the inception of Police Scotland. Efforts are underway to bring consistency and nationwide standards. ChSuptWaddell also acknowledged management responses within the report are light in detail but assured the Committee more detail will be provided to progress actions. The Committee Chair welcomed the commitment to provide more detail.
  • Members noted the findings, specifically the red risk actions, are within the Internal Audit annual report.
  • Members referenced reporting to the People Committee regarding high levels of re-rostered rest days and TOIL, and were assured that the RDU had not contributed disproportionately to previous high levels.
  • Members sought further information on timescales and heard high risk actions were due to be delivered by end of 2023. Work continues to ascertain levels of resource required to progress an Initial Business Case for RDU change.
  • GDevlin commented that if the unit was resourced to enable it to work more effectively, the organisation would meet more strategic outcomes.

Forensic Services Physical Data Management

Paul Kelly highlighted a number of key points as detailed within the report.  

In discussion the following matters were raised:

  • Craig Donnachie (CDonnachie) commented that Forensic Services has a robust management system for accreditation, and welcomed input from Internal Audit. CDonnachie confirmed Forensic Services were aware of some factors and plans were already in place to address issues so the report provides support to take these actions forward. CDonnachie stated that whilst beholding to paper records and files, ensuring reconciliation is performed is difficult. Larger pieces of work regarding radio frequency identification of files and Core Operating Systems for management will help address issues.
  • Member sought timeline detail for the introduction of radio frequency identification. CDonnachie agreed to provide that information.
  • Members sought comment on why weeding and disposing of casefiles was not undertaken after 2019. CDonnachie advised weeding was done in collaboration with Police Scotland and changes in policy had attributed to delay. Agreed processes were now in place, along with plans to ensure work is taken forward.
  • Members sought comment on why some recommendations were not accepted. Regarding the partially accepted recommendation, CDonnachie explained geography and estates meant it was not possible to have a single process. There could not be one policy to fit all but separate policies, which would be appropriate. Regarding the recommendation not accepted, CDonnachie explained this was due to resource and ability to do a full reconciliation. Of 42,000 casefiles, only ten were unaccounted for and investigations was carried out into each. At the time of the audit, only three were unaccounted for but now all had been found. The Director of Forensic Services felt it would be disproportionate when balancing the work required against the percentage of ones unaccounted. CDonnachie confirmed there was no risk in not accepting recommendation as appropriate policies were in place. The Committee Chair noted the recommendations not fully accepted but also acknowledged Forensic Services position on best value.
  • GDevlin highlighted that the Committee require to be assured that correct policies and processes are in place going forward, which the report details.

The Committee RESOLVED to:

  • NOTE the report.
  • AGREE the following action:

Members to be provided with project timeline for introduction of RFID.