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Report Summary

Approved Minute from Scottish Police Authority Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee held on 22 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 2 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee

Date : 02 August 2023

Location : online



Mary Pitcaithly (Committee Chair)
Paul Edie
Catriona Stewart

Scottish Police Authority

Lynn Brown, Chief Executive Officer
John McNellis, Head of Finance, Audit and Risk
Lauren MacLeod, Audit, Risk and Assurance Officer
Karen Vallance, Governance Support Officer

Police Scotland

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Speirs
Tom McMahon, Director of Strategy and Analysis
Andrew Hendry, Chief Digital and Information Officer
Patrick Brown, Head of Finance (Items 1 – 3.2)
Chief Superintendent Alan Waddell (Items 1 –2.1)
Chief Superintendent Gillian Docherty
Superintendent Damian Armstrong
Alastair Corfield, Head of Best Value
Donna Adam, Audit Manager - transformation
Stevie Diamond, Force Resource Deployment Manager (Items 1 – 2.1)
Angela Wood, Head of Policy, Audit, Risk and Assurance
Angelo Gustinelli, Head of Accounting and Control

Forensic Services

Craig Donnachie, Head of Quality and Assurance

Grant Thornton
Rebecca Lister, Senior Manager

Gary Devlin, Head of Internal Audit (Items 1 – 2.2)
Paul Kelly, Head of Cyber Services (Items 1 – 2.2)

Claire Robertson, Head of Digital, Risk and Advisory Services

HMICS (observing)
Alan Wright