Report Summary
This is the Approved Minute documented for the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 22 February 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 21 March 2024 2022
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 March 2024
Date : 21 March 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Michelle MacLead (MMacLeod) highlighted a number of key points as detailed within the PIRC Annual Report, specifically around performance and year on year increases in referrals and investigations.
In discussion the following matters were raised:
• The Chair questioned whether the number of discharged Tasers was proportionate or higher than expected. MMacLeod advised that PIRC look at guidance and SOPs to determine whether taser use was proportionate and accountable. Further analysis showed most circumstances involved mental health issues and tasers had been used in some instances to prevent self-harm. DCCConnors confirmed Police Scotland capture data against other UK forces and Police Scotland was broadly like Greater Manchester Police and West Midlands. MMacLeod confirmed all presentations and discharges of firearms including tasers go through an initial assessment phase with some going through a full investigation. DCCSpeirs confirmed the Professional Standards Department also investigate every presentation and evidence showed presentation was a policing asset as it can de-escalate a situation. Members were assured additional training was undertaken for taser use and a Taser Oversight Group oversee all aspects.
• Members questioned whether there is continued learning for further improvement, and heard complaints not handled to a reasonable standard were usually related to guidance or SOPs. Therefore, it is those areas that are the main source of driving through improvements.
• Member sought comment on the increasing number of investigations into deaths following police contact within the context of CCFarrells statements regarding mental health. MMacLeod confirmed PIRC have 90 days to investigate all deaths following police contact and these investigations are increasing and a large proportion of PIRC’s workload. MMacLeod stated that the introduction of Body Worn Video would help with the assessment stage to ascertain the behaviours and welfare of those involved. Whilst PIRC can only report on policing interactions, they acknowledged that other partners were involved in mental health incidents. The Chair noted that Lady Angiolini and HMICS had both called for a whole system review to responses to mental health, and it was hoped work undertaken will move towards a share responsibility.
• Katharina Kasper, Complaints and Conduct Committee Chair, confirmed statistics are reported to the Committee quarterly and thanked PIRC for their input. She questioned whether the increase in complaints reasonably handled was the result of improved processes to which MMacLeod agreed, citing increased interactions between PIRC and the Professional Standards Department identifying common themes. DCCSpeirs added changes to the complaint handling model and consistency in application was reflective in the statistics. DCCSpeirs confirmed Police Scotland were committed to complying to recommendations and learning points from PIRC.
The Authority RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.