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Published: 01 October 2024

Approved Minute - 22 August 2024

Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 22 August 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 26 September 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 September 2024

Date : 26 September 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH


The Chair took his report as read and invited any questions.

In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Comment was sought on the Chairs impression of the mental health distress service in North Lanarkshire. The Chair thanked the officers involved in leading the programme and advised he was impressed by the community triage system which had seen a fall in the number of people in distress having to attend A&E. The Chair added that the opportunity costs saved was thousands of officer hours, but the key next step was understanding what can be learned and how that can be shared. Chief Constable Jo Farrell (CCFarrell) agreed learning was key to scale up good practice and that the mental health taskforce is developing an index which consolidates up to date contact details for mental health support. CCFarrell advised that it was estimated officer attendance at mental health distress calls had reduced by 80% and Police Scotland will continue to develop and progress the approach with partners. She thanked the leadership shown by all partners. The Vice Chair also praised the service, noting that putting the person at the centre of decision making meant everyone benefitted.
• Comment was sought on the opportunities and learning of DESC. The Chair responded that the clear benefit was an improved criminal justice system, by increasing early pleas, dealing with disputed claims, and allowing evidence to be held and shared digitally around the system. CCFarrell commented she was confident the system had piloted it well and it will continue to be rolled out. Officers have welcomed the change, and it was a good example of public sector reform. DCC Jane Connors (DCCConnors) shared some anecdotal evidence of some positives outcomes and advised that faster resolution is decreasing time in courts and its associated spend. DCCConnors also advised of the link between body worn video (BWV) and DESC and ensured Members that work is progressing to upgrade the network. DCCConnors confirmed DESC and BWV teams work together as do the suppliers and it was expected that devices will be deployed and active in spring 2025.
In closing the item, the Chair advised that he had not accepted a contract extension from Scottish Government and would therefore be leaving post in January 2025 at the end of his term. He thanked the Cabinet Secretary for the offer and positive dialogue. The Chair advised a recruitment process would be launched in September 2024 with a new Chair announced in the new year. The Vice Chair, on behalf of the Authority, thanked the Chair for his counsel and vision. CCFarrell also shared thanks for his work and leadership.

Members noted the report.

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