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Published: 29 May 2024

Approved Minute - 21 March 2024

Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 21 March 2024. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 23 May 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 May 2024

Date : 23 May 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA


CCFarrell provided a detailed summary of her report, specifically drawing attention to the following areas:
• Independent Public Inquiry following the conviction of Iain Packer
• Annual Police Plan and performance reporting
• Major investigations and convictions
• Prevention problem solving and proactivity.
• Supporting officers and staff
• Taser uplift progress
• Funding for 2024/25

In discussion the following matters were raised:
• The Chair confirmed the Authority welcomed the statutory Independent Public Inquiry and encouraged officers to be well prepared, candid and open in their response.
• The Chair reflected on CCFarrell’s confirmation that the revenue budget for 2023/24 is on track to balance without the need for contingency funding, noting it was a considerable achievement. The Chair praised the Senior Leadership Team, specially DCC Alan Speirs, James Gray (JGray) and Katy Miller for the work undertaken to bring it back into balance, while explaining the operational consequences of related decisions.
• Members sought assurance that there were appropriate levels of deployment of road policing vehicles. CCFarrell confirmed there was a commitment to road policing capability, with focus on prevention and partnership working. DCC Jane Connors (DCCConnors) advised road policing was included in resource prioritisation work and a review would be undertaken, but investment continues and HMICS were due to undertake a review. DCCConnors confirmed there was night cover of roads policing.
• Members sought further comment on the enhanced CCTV survey in Aberdeen, specifically in relation to facial recognition. DCCSmith confirmed that the Biometrics Commissioner is supportive of the CCTV use and confirmed the facial recognition aspect is not currently being used. CCFarrell stated that facial recognition in other jurisdictions had highlighted lessons learned in respect of privacy, but confirmed consultation was open and the aim was to ensure people have full sight of how it would be used. The Chair requested the Chair and CCFarrell sign the existing MOU relating to new technology and its deployments.
• Members sought comment on lessons already learned and improvements already made following the Emma Caldwell investigation. CCFarrell responded that recent work ensures Police Scotland can deliver for girls and women who are subject to violence and the new performance framework will shine a greater light on the ability to respond to these types of crimes, but acknowledged there was still more to do. CCFarrell stated that the response to violence against women and girls has to be more than enforcement as it is an issue across UK society. DCCSmith added there had been huge progress on major investigations and tackling violence against women and girls since 2005 and there are strong partnership networks to build on. A tiered response not seen elsewhere is used but improvements to first instance responses was required. DCCSmith encouraged anyone who has been the subject of violence to report it.
• Members sought comment on decision making processes for taser and baton use. CCFarrell advised that taser use protects the public and officers, and an extensive officer training programme is undertaken which is scenario based and focuses on human rights and de-escalation. Officers have fed back that the presence alone helps de-escalate situations. CCFarrell advised that assessments are made in terms of threat and data is gathered in relation to age, gender and the circumstances around the use or presentation.
• Members welcomed the establishment of the Neurodiversity Strategic Working Group.
• Members sought progress on the current VR/VER process and heard VER applications were greater which had been expected, and work was ongoing through a comprehensive process to identify who could be released.

The Authority RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.
• AGREE the following action:
Chair and Chief Constable Farrell to sign the existing MOU relating to new technology and its deployments. 20240321-BM-002

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