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Published: 11 October 2023

Approved Minute - 21 June 2023

Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 21 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 24 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Item 5


Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone (CCLivingstone) provided a detailed introduction to his report, specifically drawing attention to the following areas:
• Serious violence including homicide
• Violence against women and girls
• Santa Marta Group anti human trafficking conference
• FBI National Executive Institute training programme
• Police Foundation
• Staff wellbeing
• Promotion and recruitment
• Kings Honours

In addition to the written report, CCLivingstone provided comment on a number of other areas:
• CCLivingstone congratulated Jo Farrell on her appointment as Police Scotland’s next Chief Constable, and committed to working closely with Ms Farrell and the existing leadership team to ensure a managed transition.
• CCLivingstone thanked and paid tribute to his colleagues and family for their support during his tenure as Chief Constable.

In discussion the following matters were raised:
• Referencing the Santa Marta Group conference, Members sought further comment on Police Scotland’s work on human trafficking. CCLivingstone confirmed there was a discussion on illegal immigration policy issues, with agreement there should be a clear distinction between the criminality of human trafficking and illegal immigration. CCLivingstone emphasised Police Scotland’s commitment to be resolute in combatting human trafficking.
• CCLivingstone advised Members that Special Constable numbers are not declining and whilst the youth volunteer programme can be a gateway to Special Constables or the full service, its intent is not to recruit but to assist in developing growth. CCLivingstone cautioned against the use of performance measures on numbers of youth volunteers who move to Police Scotland.
• Members sought more information on the Philomena Protocol. DCC Malcolm Graham (DCCGraham) advised that children and young people in care are likely to suffer disproportionately adverse outcomes and as such, agencies who have responsibility for children in care have to work extremely hard. The protocol is a means of cutting down timescales and responding in a quicker way when young people go missing. DCCGraham confirmed he was confident, from the evidence so far, the protocol will help protect young people.
• Members sought comment on how Police Scotland intend to develop leadership. CCLivingstone stated that everyone in Police Scotland has a leadership responsibility, and senior management had recognised that the organisation, at its onset, had not invested in people, wellbeing support and training. Therefore, the Your Leadership Matters programme has been developed to be taken to every officer and staff member, and is a key approach to equality, diversity and inclusion work. CCLivingstone commented he felt the key to effective leadership was being authentic and honest, being confident in seeking direction where needed, and having capable people around you.
• Members sought comment on preventative work in relation to road safety. CCLivingstone responded that whilst there has been a significant improvement in road safety compared to 20+ years ago, Police Scotland remain committed to further improvements. DCC Jane Connors (DCCConnors) added that education work continues through campaigns, and roads policing and local policing teams are both visible on the roads, to enhance preventative measures.
• The Chair sought CCLivingstone’s opinion on the potential response of the Victims’ Commissioner to policing. CCLivingstone indicated that work with victim advocacy groups is strong and feedback is continually sought from them. The introduction of a Victims’ Commissioner would be an additional element of feedback which Police Scotland welcomed.
• In closing, the Chair commented that the values and qualities of Police Scotland’s Senior Leadership Team were high, and commended their transparent and respectful relationship with the Authority.

The Authority RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report.

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