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Published: 11 October 2023

Approved Minute - 21 June 2023

Report Summary

Approved Minute from the Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority held on 21 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 24 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Item 4


Members considered the report which provided an update on business progressed since the last Authority Meeting. In addition to the written reports, Committee Chairs summarised the key issues discussed over the last 12 months and where focus would be at future meetings.

• People Committee. The past year has seen routine reporting on wellbeing and inclusion; workforce insights; health and safety; and equality and diversity. Specific reports on ill health retirements and sexism and misogyny have also been discussed. For the upcoming year, the Committee hope to see evidence of effectiveness, implementation, outcomes and measurement, to know action being taken has intended outcomes. Requests have also been made for pieces of work on recruitment from a protected characteristics perspective and additional reporting on sexism and misogyny.

• Complaints and Conduct Committee. The previous year’s focus has been on presentation of complaints data; vetting; and evidence of an effective complaints management system. Future focus will be on analysing diversity against complaints data and the upcoming HMICS report into vetting.

• Resources Committee. The past year has seen the Committee note good monitoring of the revenue budget and a positive growth within the procurement team. In relation to the future year, the Committee will be focused on monitoring overtime overspend and the capital budget; transformational projects; and benefits tracking.

• Policing Performance Committee. The previous year has seen quarterly performance reports continually developing, with a refresh of the performance framework. Reporting on ICVS progress has also been reported. Partners have also provided input, including HMICS and the Biometrics Commissioner. The upcoming year will see Police Scotland’s data scrutinised through the framework, with assurance sought from statutory and non-statutory partners.

The Board RESOLVED to:
• NOTE the report


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