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Published: 15 November 2023

Approved Minute - 2 August 2023

Report Summary

Approved Minute from Scottish Police Authority Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee held on 2 August 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 7 November 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 7 November 2023

Date : 07 November 2023

Location : online

Item 4


Members considered the report which provided a summary of current work undertaken within the Police Scotland Change Portfolio. Kerri MacIver (KMacIver) highlighted a number of key points within the report.

In discussion the following matters were raised:
The Committee Chair praised the National Change Event, noting it was extremely useful to visit each project and was presented very positively.
Members sought further information on the status of the Modernising Contact and Engagement Programme and heard the red status was from the National Integrated Communications Control System project (NICCS) whereas the contact piece is green. Members heard the NICCS testing is complex, and work continues to address defects. Members were assured it was being managed but remained red until that work was complete. It was anticipated it would move from red by October 2023.
Craig Naylor (CNaylor) agreed NICCS was complex and difficult to achieve, but HMICS would be interested in progress.
Members were informed Data Drives Digital slippage had been resolved and it now reported as green.
Noting some projects are consistently red, Members sought clarity on how projects are prioritised. KMacIver advised that the ‘previous’ to ‘forecast’ reporting covers three months which is not a long timescale given the complexity of some projects. Members were assured they are monitored and reviewed monthly and KMacIver agreed to share a three-year roadmap.
Members heard the Policing Performance Committee would be having a deep dive on the Modernised Contact and Engagement Programme and, depending on assurances received, the Committee may recommend the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee to discuss further.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
NOTE the report.
AGREE the following action:
Three year roadmap to be provided to Members.

Members considered the report which provided an update on the development of the Best Value function. Alasdair Corfield highlighted a number of key points within the report.

In discussion the following matters were raised:
Members were informed that if the right skills could not be recruited, secondments from Local Government would be considered.
 In relation to lessons learned from the procurement based pilot, the Committee heard wider implications on procurement could have been considered as it would have delivered greater benefits.
The Committee Chair asked when the plan will be rolled out, and heard the plan will be built around the risk register but in the short term their may be possible short pilots for tactical reasons.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
NOTE the report.

Members considered the report which provided an annual update eon progress with the Authority’s obligations to achieve and demonstrate Best Value. JMcNellis highlighted a number of key points within the report.
Members requested further detail on areas of non-compliance within the next report.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
NOTE the report.
AGREE the following action:
Next report to contain more detail on areas of non-compliance.

Members considered the report which provided an update in relation to Police Scotland’s Whistleblowing data for Financial Year 2022/23 and planned next steps for Year 2023/24. Chief Superintendent Catriona Henderson highlighted a number of key points within the report.

In discussion the following matters were raised:
Members sought clarity on ‘business interests and notifiable associations’ and heard they relate to additional business or any association that may compromise roles.
Members were informed that the 14 reports recognised as whistleblowing were identified as a complaint. Of the 14 reports, 13 led to criminal enquiries with 1 identified as non-criminal. 7 matters were reported to the Crown Office.
Members questioned who carries out assessments of whistleblowing and heard the Professional Standards Gateway is the central receiving point who assess everything. Members queried whether there were any independent reviews of assessments and heard all assessments were all undertaken internally. Members were assured the right level of assessments have been carried out.
In the absence of specific survey’s, Members questioned how confidence in the system is measured and heard all concerns submitted are considered whistleblowing even if not specifically stated. Members were informed the subject of whistleblowing is included in a session relating to professional standards which recruits attend early in their training.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
NOTE the report.

Members considered the report which provided an annual update and assessment on the effectiveness of whistleblowing arrangements within the SPA. John MacLean highlighted a number of key points within the report.

In discussion the following matters were raised:
Members sought further information on how Forensic Services measure confidence. Craig Donnachie explained that Forensic Services haven’t performed a bespoke survey on the topic but they have the ability to understand when staff have read procedures and know 96% have acknowledged the procedure. As required by the ISO 17025 standard, the quality manual also comments on Whistleblowing and the manual is issued frequently.
Members suggested the next step for Forensic Services could be to monitor staff confidence on accessing the policy.
Members were assured that statistics within the report included SPA Corporate and Forensic Services, unless specifically stated.

The Committee RESOLVED to:
NOTE the report.


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