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Report Summary

This is the approved Minute from the Policing Performance Committee held on 15 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 12 September 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Item 4.2 - Agenda revised to accommodate attendance of ACC Mairs


Members noted the paper, with ACC Tim Mairs, providing an overview of the report. The following points were highlighted and discussed:

• Members welcomed the update and the focus on engagement which is central to the model.
• In response to Members questions around the level of partnership and local engagement that will be undertaken, ACC Mairs advised that engagement with COSLA, local authorities and community planning partnerships will be key to reflect the contribution wider local partners can and should make in this area. Members noted Police Scotland’s collaborative approach and its intention to set up a Strategic Engagement Forum.
• Members noted that one of the hard themes is ‘locality and locations’ and the challenges of accessibility, particularly regarding access to custody estates. Police Scotland assured members that arising issues will be addressed in both short term fixes and long term planning.
• Members encouraged the inclusion of themes covering cyber, fraud and emerging threats. Police Scotland advised that this will be taken into consideration as the operating model and capability map develops, taking in to account the ongoing activities of ‘Policing in a Digital World’.
• Members commended the methodology and the detail provided in the presentation and asked that future updates to this committee include a focus on the benefits and impact of this work.

Members noted the report and the following action was agreed:

PPC 20230615-001 - Local Policing Service Delivery – Police Scotland to include a focus on the benefits and impact of this work when future updates are presented to the committee.

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