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Report Summary

This is the approved Minute from the Policing Performance Committee held on 15 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 12 September 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Item 3.7


Members noted the paper, with Scott Ross providing an overview. The following points were highlighted and discussed:

• Members welcomed the detail provided in the ICVS Annual Report and joined Scott Ross in appreciation of the volunteers in this the 10th Year anniversary of the ICVS.
• Susan Stokes’ one of the Independent Custody Visitors, provided members with commentary on the dignity, healthcare and mental health and wellbeing of those in custody.
• Members welcomed the strong relationship between custody visitors and custody staff, noting that the majority of issues are raised and resolved quickly.
• An issue with the sizes of anti-ligature outfits available in custody was raised by Susan Stokes and Chief Supt McCreadie advised that he would follow this matter up.
• Susan Stokes expressed concern that access to treatment plans whilst in custody is not standardised across custody centres and health boards.
• Members were advised that on some occasions detainees do not always have access to washing facilities. Members were provided with assurance that the Authority and Police Scotland are taking steps to address these issues. Chief Supt McCreadie advised he would raise this with the cluster inspector with regards to looking at improving the gender balance on shifts.
• Members noted the importance of updating the estate to provide appropriate facilities for detainees.

Members noted the report and agreed the following action:

PPC 20230615-010 - ICVS – Police Scotland to provide an update on the lack of provision of different sized anti-ligature suits in custody and to look at the gender balance on custody shifts.

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