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Report Summary

This is the approved Minute from the Policing Performance Committee held on 15 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 12 September 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Item 3.4


Members noted the paper, with Gerry McLean, NCA, providing an overview and Detective Chief Supt Stuart Houston providing supporting commentary. The following points were highlighted and discussed:

• Members were provided with an outline of the first public report on NCA performance in Scotland and noted the intention that this will become a bi-annual report.
• Members acknowledged the link with other agencies and a range of partners to ensure a collective approach, including sharing of good practice around crime threats and the gathering of useful insights.
• Members asked whether changes in legislation to modern slavery and human trafficking would impact the work in this area more challenging. Members were assured that the legislation is similar across the UK and there is a joined up multi-agency approach to human trafficking and exploitation within the NCA framework.
• Members acknowledged the role of the Scottish Crime Campus and the number of advantages in operating in a co-location and the evident co-operation and engagement with partner agencies.
• Members welcomed the activities and partnership work in progress and look forward to future developments.

Members noted the report

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