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Report Summary

This is the approved Minute from the Policing Performance Committee held on 15 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 12 September 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Item 2.5


Members noted the paper, with Doctor Brian Plastow providing an overview. The following points were highlighted and discussed:

• Dr Plastow advised members that both reports had been laid before parliament in March 2023.
• Members were advised that the Biometrics Commissioner’s statutory function is to support and promote the adoption of lawful, effective and ethical practices in relation to the range of data and technologies used in policing and criminal justice. This is includes the requirement to pay particular attention to the requirements of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
• Dr Plastow expressed gratitude to both the staff and officers of the Authority, Police Scotland and the Biometrics Commission team who have been fully engaged in this process.
• Members noted that Police Scotland have confirmed in writing to the Commissioner that all of the recommendations will be implemented.
• The Chair welcomed assurance from the Commissioner that whilst the instances of gathering of biometric data from children and young people are low, safeguarding is strong.
• Police Scotland provided members with examples of the work that has been undertaken to fulfil the recommendations in the report.
• Members queried whether the experience of having biometric data would impact children and young people disproportionally in the long term. The Commissioner advised that there is a probability that this may have impact in the future. He noted that improved management information may help provide the answers to this question. Police Scotland assured members that biometrics data gathered from children has a time cap of 3 years which should prevent them being affected in the future, with weeding being undertaken after cases are concluded.
• Tom Halpin (Chair of JREF) raised the potential of using the JREF mechanism to conduct research into this through this mechanism.
• Members welcomed the joint working between the Authority and the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner, suggesting that this approach continue in future and Scott Ross, SPA, assured members that regular engagement with the Commissioner is ongoing and the Authority will continue to support this work.
• Members requested that a progress report/improvement plan in relation to the Commissioner's recommendations is brought to a future PPC Meeting.

Members noted the report and agreed the following actions:

PPC 20230615-005 - Biometrics - Specific action on looking at areas for further research through Joint research & Evidence Forum

PPC 20230615-006 - Biometrics – The Chair requested that an progress report/improvement plan be presented to a future committee

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