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Report Summary

This is the approved Minute from the Policing Performance Committee held on 15 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 12 September 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Item 2.4


Members noted the paper, with ACC Emma Bond providing an overview. The following points were highlighted and discussed:

• Members welcomed the report and acknowledged the slower than desired progress in the transition from Airwave to ESN (Emergency Services Network).
• Members noted that Airwave will be shut down in 2029 and the timeline for delivery of ESN will be dependent on the outcome of the new supplier in early 2024. ACC Bond advised that Members will be provided with a further update in the future.
• The Chair asked if there are any particular risks or challenges that Police Scotland are aware of. Police Scotland advised there are no short/medium term issues to be highlighted, however, there is cognisance of the need to ensure that the replacement product meets or exceeds the current requirements of Police Scotland, including the ability to successfully deliver full geographical coverage.

Members noted the report

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