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Report Summary

This is the Approved Minute documented for the Resources Committee held on 14 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 8 August 2023.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Resources Committee - 14 June 2023

Date : 14 June 2023

Location : online

Item 3.3


Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide the Committee with an update in relation to the ongoing Benefits Management and tracking within the Police Scotland Change Programme. During discussion and in addition to the written report the following points were raised and discussed:

• Members considered an overview of the report provided by the Chief Digital Information Officer (CDIO).
• Members recognised the significant challenge of reporting benefits across a wide range of transformation activity, however expressed concern that the current reporting does not give a comprehensive picture to enable robust oversight and assurance.
• The CDIO commented that the approach to reporting continues to develop and it was agreed there is a need to refresh the reporting to committee to ensure progress is clearer and to include better articulation of the impacts of investment decisions.
• Members requested clearer reporting and understanding of how the overall controls and decision making in respect of benefits are managed and evidence of the rigour around how this is managed globally for the organisation.
• The Committee asked that the reporting be developed so that it can be better assured that investment decisions provide best value for the public purse. Members were very keen to understand how the benefits tracking data will be reflected across future operational policing planning.
• Members welcomed the commitment from the DCIO to work with SPA colleagues and further improve benefits reporting.

Members noted the report.

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