Report Summary
This is the Approved Minute documented for the Complaints & Conduct Committee held on 1 June 2023. The Minute was approved at the meeting on 22 August 2023.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
Complaints & Conduct Committee - 22 August 2023
Date : 22 August 2023
Location : online
PIRC Quarterly report on Police Scotland Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals
Ilya Zharov (IZharov) provided a summary of the report which noted statistical information in relation to PIRC Complaint Handling Reviews. Phil Chapman (PChapman) provided an overview on the Investigation Referrals. The report included key statistics reflecting the position for period April - March, 2022/23. During discussions the following matters were raised:
The Chair sought clarity on what were the biggest areas of improvement that PS could make within their complaints handling process. IZharov believes that one of the areas would be to increase the level of training and inputs that could be provided to complaint handlers. More training inputs from PIRC would be beneficial and there are dates in place for this to happen. IZharov added that timescales around communications back to complainers would be a further other area for improvement. The Chair advised that all complaints are incredibly important and that she would be keen understand the internal triaging of complaints in order to understand and gain assurance that the more serious complaints are prioritised. ACCASpeirs advised, like PIRC, there is a want for more resources to do things quicker. The demands on PSD have never been greater and the staff are working hard to address the demand which always outweighs the resource. ACCASpeirs does not believe the timescales can be improved in the short to medium term, however, PS are looking to make the efficiency of the complaint handling process as effective as possible. CSCHenderson provided a detailed overview of what training is in place for complaint handlers. The Chair asked that some thinking was given to a risk based approach when it comes to complaints to be included within the data presented. The Chair sought clarity on whether there had been anything noted within last year’s data that would highlight something out of the ordinary or any trends that they are concerned about. PChapman advised that apart from trying to get a better understanding around the firearms presentation and ensuring a constant and refreshed eye on that area.
Members NOTED the report and AGREED the following action:
20230106-CCC-011: Assistant Chief Constable Alan Speirs to consider and present data to provide assurance to the committee that complaints are handled in a risk-based manner, and resources are prioritised accordingly.