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Published: 14 December 2023

Advisors Analysis: Reviewing Scotland’s Approach to Antisocial Behaviour

Report Summary

The Scottish Community Safety Network and the Scottish Government were asked by Ash Regan MSP (former Minister for Community Safety) to review antisocial behaviour in Scotland. This item discusses the findings of the review and its recommendations.

Previous Oversight by the Authority

  • In Summer 2023 the Authority commissioned national polling on antisocial behaviour, with questions developed in partnership with the SCSN, which was presented to the Policing Performance Committee in September 2023.
  • The Authority and Police Scotland Community Confidence Action Research Project has heard about perceived issues around antisocial behaviour in all four areas the project is active in, with a perceived lack of police response in this area being felt to impact confidence in policing. Findings for the evaluation in the Letham area also indicate the importance of community officers (instated as part of the project) but the subsequent negative impact of officers being pulled away for response policing.

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